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Are you looking for ways to increase revenue? Do you find yourself with available capacity for higher priced rooms?

We’re excited to share this opportunity to join the Beta for our new upgrade capability in Online Check-in. Guests can now be offered available higher priced spaces when completing their online check-in to help boost your revenues and make their stay a little more special.


How does it work?
During Online Check In, Mews will check if there are any spaces in a higher category available. If so, the guest will be offered the upgrade and will be charged the new category price minus the price already booked.

  • Mews will only offer an upgrade to single reservations - groups are not supported.
  • Mews will not offer an upgrade if there is a restriction in place or there is no availability.
  • Mews will not offer an upgrade if the higher category is cheaper than the price already paid.

You'll be able to set individual space categories where you would not like a guest to upgrade to. E.g. to avoid upgrades to accessible rooms. This can be found under “Options” in the “Space category” settings. Upgrades made by guests will be shown in the ‘Action log’ of the reservation.


oEDIT] There is also a new setting “Enable space upgrades in online check-in” under the “Visit options” in your bookable service. This is selected by default when we enable the capability, but can be disabled if required.


What do guests see?

Upgrades during online check-in

How can I get started?

  1. Reply to this thread with the property you’d like added to this beta
  2. I’ll enable the new settings so you can remove any space categories you don’t want offered as upgrades
  3. After 24 hours, I’ll enable upgrades to start appearing in the Online check-in for your guests (or after a longer time if requested)


Please ask any questions or share any feedback you have below.

We would like to add Hotel Playa Koralia. 
Great feature !!


Yes, please!

Count us in - can we have it on a demo site in order to explore the action log and the postings logic?

If possible to have on Eden Locke demo site for edyn group?

Thanks, @James.taylor !



Great feature !
Please count Mercure Roeselare in !

Hi James,

Very interesting!

Before we decide anything, will you be able to select a fixed / discounted (%) price for the upgrade, or will the full price difference between both categories be proposed?


Can we maybe start testing in the demo version first?


Thank you.

Wow! Great! Waiting for this option quite a while! Yes, I would love to try this out! Thank you. 

Thank you all for replying so quickly to this beta opportunity! 🙂


@IgorK and @MatthiasH,

I have fully enabled this (step 1 & 2 from the post) in your demo properties so you can try this out.


@Ethros, @DamienJanssens and @samoanprincess,

I have enabled the settings so you can make any adjustments for the properties you mentioned.

I will plan to enable the upgrades for guests at your properties on Monday as we won’t have support over the weekend for any queries.


I look forward to hearing any feedback you might have!

Hi there! How do I enter my demo version? Haven´t done this for a long time! Thanks. 

@James.taylor where do we find the settings?   Am I missing it under Settings->Services->Accomodation?

Yay, how awesome! Count us in with the ahead burghotel please. Great news, James!

@James.taylor where do we find the settings?   Am I missing it under Settings->Services->Accomodation?

I’m not able to find the settings either.

Hi there! How do I enter my demo version? Haven´t done this for a long time! Thanks. 

Hi @samoanprincess, I enabled the settings for your property in production and not demo. 
I can then enable the experience for guests on Monday.

Hi @Ethros @MatthiasH,

You should be able to see two new settings relating to upgrades...


  1. Under Settings → Services → Accomodation → Space categories → {space name}.

Under “Options” you can select “Exclude from upgrades in online check in”. This will prevent this space category from being offered as an upgrade option to guests.


  1. Under Settings → Services → Accomodation → Visit options.

“Enable space upgrades in online check-in” is enabled by default. This option enables you to switch off this upgrade capability for the specific bookable service if required. 


Please let me know if you have any further questions though.

Yay, how awesome! Count us in with the ahead burghotel please. Great news, James!

Hi @Jonas, thank you for joining the group!


I have enabled the above mentioned settings for Ahead Burghotel. 
I will plan to enable the experience for guests from Monday.

YES ! please add it for YUST Antwerp and YUST Liegé!

Happy to check it out!


YES ! please add it for YUST Antwerp and YUST Liegé!

Happy to check it out!


@DirkVanGompel I have just enabled the new settings for both properties.
I will plan to enable this in your online check-in at the end of Monday.

A quick note for reference that the ordering of spaces is defined in “Space category” settings.

For example; with the below settings, a guest booked into a ‘Room’ category would see upgrade options for a ‘Deluxe room’ and a ‘Suite’ if available.

  • Room: ‘Ordering’ = 0
  • Deluxe room: ‘Ordering’ = 1
  • Suite: ‘Ordering’  = 2
  • etc.

I just added the help article link to the original post as well.

Good morning, I have just enabled the the Upgrade capability in Online Check-in for guests for the first properties.

FYI @Ethros @samoanprincess @DamienJanssens @Jonas 

@DirkVanGompel I will do this at the end of the day for you so you have time to adjust any settings.

Good afternoon,

Would love to try out this Beta for upgrading capability in Online check-in. Would you be able to enable this for Golden Tulip Keyser?

Kind regards

@DirkVanGompel, I have now enabled the guest facing experience for the two properties you requested.

@Milou, thank you for reaching out! I have enabled the settings for the property you requested and will switch on the experience for your guests tomorrow morning.


It is working and we have done a test booking. So it is easy to use and secure as I think the guest needs to give an extra payment confirmation.

In MEWS it works well, the upgrade is automatically done. However it is not very clear for the reception that an upgrade has been chosen, so my question is would there be a way to inform the reception about this? 

Especially if the booking is not made with the own booking engine, how is this done in the system with prepaid bookings, virtual credit cards etc.


Thanks for your feedback!

Hi @James.taylor ,

We were wondering if you’re planning an feature where this can work with fixed supplements instead of the full difference between both. When you take yielding into the accounts, the differences per night can be quite high between 2 room types. Ie. a guest reserves a standard room for 200 per night. Because of demand prices go up and in the end the Junior Suite they want to upgrade to will be almost 300 more, which almost no-one will take. This is where the fixed supplements for upgrades could really help.

hi @James.taylor.. bit late perhaps, but can you add Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam please to this beta?


It is working and we have done a test booking. So it is easy to use and secure as I think the guest needs to give an extra payment confirmation.

In MEWS it works well, the upgrade is automatically done. However it is not very clear for the reception that an upgrade has been chosen, so my question is would there be a way to inform the reception about this? 

Especially if the booking is not made with the own booking engine, how is this done in the system with prepaid bookings, virtual credit cards etc.


Thanks for your feedback!

Hi @Milou, thank you for the feedback!

We will investigate ways to better show staff that a reservation was upgraded.

For bookings that are prepaid or have a VCC, the guest is still offered an upgrade option if there is one available. The payment is dependent on the settlement rules for that reservation, but will likely have a balance to settle on their bill on arrival if the reservation is 100% prepaid. 

Hi @James.taylor ,

We were wondering if you’re planning an feature where this can work with fixed supplements instead of the full difference between both. When you take yielding into the accounts, the differences per night can be quite high between 2 room types. Ie. a guest reserves a standard room for 200 per night. Because of demand prices go up and in the end the Junior Suite they want to upgrade to will be almost 300 more, which almost no-one will take. This is where the fixed supplements for upgrades could really help.

Hi @MatthiasH, we haven’t got this identified as an immediate addition, but I’d be keen to discuss this further to understand how you’d like to work with this.

I’ll send you a message separately to coordinate a time. 

hi @James.taylor.. bit late perhaps, but can you add Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam please to this beta?

Hi @mauritsbots, thank you for reaching out; it’s never too late! 🙂

I have enabled the new settings for Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam so you can opt-out any individual spaces you need to.

I will then plan to enable the experience for guests in online check-in by the end of the day tomorrow. 

Thank you, James
