Hello @NicolasLA,
thank you for this question, checking it with the team!
I will update you once I know more :)
@NicolasLA i had a similar idea and it seems that you reach the mews guest portal / online-check-in only over a mews-sign-in-link which is unfortunatley not available for third parties (via api).
It also isn’t really available over the commander itself so sharing this link seems not possible in any way right now.
Hi @jones.eth understood. Do you have any idea if it will be available at some point? Will it be on any future development schedule? Tks!
You should take that information with a grain of salt as i am no mews employee
. But i am pretty sure that this will happen at some point down the road as the online-checkin and guest-portal is a pretty central part around the whole booking process so naturally some integrators gonna request that
In our case we wanted to do the pre-stay mailing with our own crm/mailing provider because they have a lot more options to adjust the contents of these mailings. But we wanted to include the mews check-in-link which was not possible apparently so for now we stick with the mews mailing
For a link to the online-checkin/guest-portal inside the mews commander that may be a consideration for @Olivia.Dingreville as she is working on the new guest portal as far as i know:
@jones.eth many thanks!
@Olivia.Dingreville Hi! Could you please share info about the availability for “URL online check-in “?
We need to send through a MEWS partner (and also manually) the URL that MEWS generates for each guest to iniciate the online check-in process.
That is possible now? maybe MEWS has not developed yet or prohibits it for some reason.
Any information on this topic, will be appreciated!
hi @NicolasLA and @jones.eth ive been pressing for months to get the online check link available in the API, as we also use third party systems for guest communications… @Olivia.Dingreville and others have it in scope i was told but dont know more than just that..
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your interest on this topic and sorry for the delayed reply as I was on leave.
As some of you have shared above, today it is not possible to share guest portal links outside of Mews generated emails or SMS. This is for security & data privacy reasons: the guest portal holds the guest‘s personal information as well as details about all of the booking they’ve had across the portfolio of Mews properties and not only within a specific chain.
The good news is that this is something we are addressing as part of the work we are doing on the New Guest Portal (see BETA Group). The New Guest Portal is “chain-centric” which means guests will only see their stays within the same chain.
For now, we are still working on the migration from the “current” to the “new” guest portal. But once this is done, we will explore further how we could make the access links accessible i.e. via the API. We don’t have a timeline for this yet as the work on the new guest portal is not finished, but it’s high on the list of things we want to pick-up next.