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Dear Community 👋🏼

Has anyone have the same issue like I currently facing?.

We have recently added Stripe as new payment provider and integrated the mews S1 terminal as the payment device, which is starting next month we will completly using stipe to replace the Adyen.

Taking payment directly from the terminal with card or contactless is no issue, as well online pament when we have enterd the credit card details in mews manually.

However, the credit card which captured in mews from the terminal payment, can not be re-preauthorize nor re-charge. Anyone aware what the issue here?.

So far what I understood correctly, that the payment using S1 Teriminal will captured and tokanized the card details, which we can reuse it.

I have wrote mews to change the Stripe as our default payment, however still no response from them over 24hrs. Do you guys think, due this default check in the integration has not been done and we have this isue?.


Best regards





Hi Ringga,

Thank you for the topic. We are not working with the S1 Terminal, but we did switch from Mollie to Stripe, and it is working amazingly well at the moment.

In the beginning, we had a similar issue (unable to do pre-authorizations or payments), but this was only with certain credit cards (such as gold or platinum cards, Amex, Diners, etc.). Are you experiencing this problem as well, or is it happening with all cards?

For us, it was related to some customers having a specific security feature activated on their cards. When this happened, the client needed to approve the payment. But perhaps this isn't what you were referring to?

Warm regards

Hotel Pavillon Du Zoute
