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Wir verstehen, dass viele von euch mit der aktuellen Konfiguration des deutschen rechtlichen Umfelds, bei der nur Daten des Hauptgastes erfasst werden, vor einer Herausforderung stehen. Wir haben klares Feedback erhalten, dass an vielen Standorten auch Daten von anderen Gästen benötigt werden, um lokale Berichtspflichten und andere Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

Um dies anzugehen, unternehmen wir zwei Schritte, um euch und eure Datenanforderungen besser zu unterstützen.

Step 1: Vorläufige Lösung zur Datenerfassung aller Gäste

Wir können die Datenerfassungsanforderungen für bestimmte Unterkünfte aktualisieren, um alle Gäste einzubeziehen. Dies führt dazu, dass bei Online- und Kiosk-Check-ins die gleichen Datenanforderungen von allen Gästen der Reservierung abgefragt werden.

Wenn ihr diese Möglichkeit nutzen möchtet, bestätigt bitte in den Kommentaren unten, für welche Unterkünfte ihr dies anwenden möchtet.

Bitte beachtet, dass dies nur eine vorübergehende Lösung ist, bis wir Schritt 2 abgeschlossen haben.

STEP 2: Aktualisierung des Check-in-Formulars zur Unterstützung zusätzlicher Gäste.

Wir beschleunigen unsere Pläne, das Check-in-Formular zu verbessern, um zusätzliche Gäste zu unterstützen. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht es euch, die Daten zu konfigurieren, die ihr vom Hauptgast und zusätzlichen Gästen sammeln möchtet. Sobald abgeschlossen, wird dies die Erfahrung bei den Online- und Kiosk-Check-ins verbessern.

Wir planen, diese Arbeit im Januar zu beginnen und erwarten, dass sie später im ersten Quartal verfügbar sein wird.

Wir wissen, dass dies eine Herausforderung war, und danken euch für eure Geduld, während wir daran arbeiten, unsere Möglichkeiten zu verbessern, um euch besser zu unterstützen.

Wenn ihr Fragen habt, teilt diese bitte auch in den Kommentaren mit.

Hey ​@James.taylor das ist fantastisch 🙌. Danke dafür und dass ihr so schnell eine bessere Lösung veröffentlichen wollt.

Gerne bitte diese Option für uns aktivieren 👍.

Hallo James,

gerne für unsere Betriebe (intermar - Glück in Sicht) auch so umsetzen.

Wobei ich durchaus der Meinung bin, dass dies schon vor einem halben Jahr hätte angegangen werden müssen. Zumal es von vielen Hoteliers (einschließlich mir) auch rechtzeitig (Juli) angesprochen wurde


Hey, bitte auch für das BIG MAMA Berlin & das BIG MAMA Leipzig umsetzen. Vielen Dank!

Hey, bitte für Jordans Untermühle unbedingt auch aktivieren. Vielen Dank für die Mühen. Könnt ihr mir eine kurze Bestätigung zukommen lassen, sobald es aktiviert ist?
Liebe Grüße

Hi James,

Please activate for havenhostel Cuxhaven.



Please activate for Wilmina Hotel as well. Thank you!

Please activate for all Circus properties in Berlin, thanks!

Hi ​@James.taylor ,

sehr schön, dass Ihr eine Zwischenlösung anbieten wollt. Wenn das klappt, ist das Klasse.

Ich habe vorab ein paar Verständnisfragen.

Wie ermittelt Mews für die Abfrage, wie viele Gäste im Zimmer sind? Anhand der Anzahl der Gäste oder Anzahl der verknüpften Profile?

Wie werden die Daten der Mitreisenden erfasst? Jeder in einem eigenen Profil oder alle Mitreisenden im Profil des verantwortlichen Gastes als “Familienbeziehung”?
Haben wir also bei 2 Eltern mit 2 Kindern nachher 4 Profile? Wenn es 4 Profile sind, sind diese irgendwie miteinander verknüpft, so dass wir beim nächsten Aufenthalt wissen, wer zur buchenden Person gehört?

Frage zu Step 2: 
Werdet Ihr die Möglichkeit der Konfiguration völlig offen gestalten?

Freue mich auf Deine Antworten.

Besten Dank.

Viele Grüße


Hallo, bitte auch für das Esplanade Hotel Köln umsetzen. Vielen Dank!


Bitte auch für das AKZENT Hotel Roter Ochse und Apartment- und Boardinghouse Burgenheimat aktivieren. Vielen Dank!

Hi ​@jones.eth, ​@jhaug & ​@hannes,

This has been updated for the properties you requested.

For the other requests in this thread, we expect this to be updated by tomorrow morning. 

Thank you,


Hi ​@Leif Penning,

Thank you for raising your questions and I apologise to reply in English instead of German.

The number of guests is determined by the number of guests on the reservation. If a reservation is for two people, then the online and Kiosk check in will ask for data from two people.

Data provided by these other guests is created as their own profile in Mews, which is associated with the reservation. There is not a specific family relationship between profiles. The only connection is to the reservation itself.

Regarding your questions about step 2, can you please share a little more about how you would like to configure this data? Our intention is to extend the existing ‘Check in form’ to allow configuration of different data for different guests. 

I hope this helps answer your questions, but please let me know if you have others or would like to discuss further.

Thank you,


Hi ​@James.taylor ,

Thank you for your reply. Let´s do in english. ;-)

Regarding Step 1: Would Mews recognise profiles already linked in the reservation during the query and then no longer query this data? According to your explanation, that's not the case, isn’t it?

Food for thought on the profiles: It would really be great if you could adapt the development so that profiles could be linked together. 
Why we think that would be great: We mainly have leisure guests, so at least double rooms, often family rooms with up to 3 children. We need the first name, surname, date of birth and address of all travellers for the tourist tax. 
If these guests are recorded in individual profiles without connection, we have a large number of profiles, without an email address, lying dormant in the database, as most children do not have one and many spouses do not want to provide their own email or there is a ‘family email’ with which they communicate. This alone causes problems when the spouses book alternately and we always have to adjust the profile because we can't create two profiles with the same email. This may be a German phenomenon, but it is like it is.
We also have a large percentage (almost 30%) of returning guests. These guests expect their data to be available on their next visit. Without a link between the profiles, this is only possible with an extreme deal of manual effort.

Regarding Step 2: I am asking because, in addition to the travellers' data, as described above, we also need the licence plate number when the guests like to park with us. This should be a field that is queried, but it cannot be a mandatory field, because sometimes guests park somewhere else, or they come by train, or several reservations share a car, etc.
It should therefore, for example be described as follows: ‘Yes, I would like to use the hotel car park’ -> number plate
However, there are certainly other hotels that require other fields for the Check-In.
So if you do not want to create queries that can be freely defined by the hotel, it would be nice if all hotels could still be served accordingly.


These are the issues that concern us. 

Thank you,


Hi ​@Leif Penning, thank you for sharing this additional context.

Regarding Step 1: Would Mews recognise profiles already linked in the reservation during the query and then no longer query this data? According to your explanation, that's not the case, isn’t it?

If a profile that’s associated with the reservation already has the required data, then the online and Kiosk check in would not ask for this again. The data would only be requested again if something was missing; for example, the data requirements were changed since the data was provided or the guest last stayed with you.

I also really appreciate the food for thought on profiles and linking groups together. I appreciate the concept of a family group is very different to individual guest profiles. I know this feedback will be of interest to some of the other teams at mews so I will be sure to flag this to them as well. 

Regarding Step 2: I am asking because, in addition to the travellers' data, as described above, we also need the licence plate number when the guests like to park with us. This should be a field that is queried, but it cannot be a mandatory field, because sometimes guests park somewhere else, or they come by train, or several reservations share a car, etc.
It should therefore, for example be described as follows: ‘Yes, I would like to use the hotel car park’ -> number plate

We do have some additional data that can be requested and made mandatory or optional if you like. Licence plate and dietary requirements are fields that you can already configure as an optional requirement for guests in the Check in form. 

This is not completely open to add additional fields you define, but if there are other fields that should be added we can look to expand them as needed. 

Thank you,


Bitte auch das Bräustüberl Schönbrunn und das Molo Rouge hinzufügen. 


Vielen lieben Dank!


Hi ​@Niclas, ​@Andrea Schirmer, ​@lena.luettgau, ​@katherinelattuf, ​@mewsmaniac & ​@RoterOchse,

This has been updated for the properties you requested, 

Thank you,


Thank you very much for that. In this context, it is not coincidentally possible to set a checkbox for people from the same household, which reads, for example, "Take address from main guest"?

Thank you very much for that. In this context, it is not coincidentally possible to set a checkbox for people from the same household, which reads, for example, "Take address from main guest"?

Hi ​@Niclas, thank you for sharing this question. 

The capability to copy the address from a guest does exist in the Mews Kiosk. If the first guest provides the address, this can be copied into the address fields for other guests checking in as part of the same reservation. 

In the Online check in experience, we do appreciate that this copy address capability should also be available. It’s something we still need to implement for the Guest Portal and hope to be able to do this soon. However, guests are able to auto-populate the address fields if they have their address saved in their browser which can help make this more efficient. 

Please let me know if I’m missing something and I’m happy to help if you have any follow-ups.

Thank you, James

Hi ​@James.taylor ,

I think Niclas is like me and would like to be able to link the profiles from a family. ;-)
The fact that we can copy the address at Mews Kiosk is indeed very good. It would also be great, if we could do it in Mews Operation.

Thank you,


Hey ​@James.taylor 

one thing to keep in mind with the new Checkin-Solution is, when Mews is counting the whole thing as a completed checkin. Right now Mews only counts as checkin when a credit card is provided (which is problematic in germany and also will be possible to disable with the new solution i guess). For all this “false positives” Mews sends the reminder email that asks guests to provide a card that they may not even have.

We need the pre-stay email and those two can’t be controlled individually. So we’ve overwritten the reminder email so we dont ask the guests for something they cant do. With the new system you should tie this email and the checkin status to the checkin-form setup. Additionally it would be handy to disable the reminder email without affecting the pre stay.

Hallo ​@James.taylor 

für uns (Parkhotel Landau) gern auch aktivieren für den Übergang.

Danke & LG

Hi ​@Melanie Heiß, the change has now been completed for your property as well.

Thank you,


Hi ​@jones.eth,

Thank you for sharing this feedback. I know my colleague Olivia was gathering some feedback on the credit card capture a few months ago, which I see you also contributed to. 

Separate to the check in form changes discussed in this thread, our team have already been working to make the request for credit card details configurable by you. I expect to be able to share more about a pilot of these changes before the end of the month.

@James.taylor i know that these areas are separated in development at Mews but for us they are strongly interconnected especially because the credit card status directly affect the online checkin quite heaviliy in pretty much all steps 🙂.

Im looking forward to the pilot and any upcoming changes.

