Habt Ihr Euch schon mal mit den Platzhaltern der Email auseinander gesetzt? Wenn ich dem Bucher eine Email schicke, kann ich den Gastnamen desjenigen der anreisen wird nicht per Platzhalter einfügen, richtig? Oder gibt es eine Möglichkeit?
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Hello @Leif Penning,
thank you for the question!
Have you seen this article? The placeholders should be working for name
Hi @MarketaOupi ,
yes, I know the article. It's not that simple ;-)
I want to use the booker in the email for bookers in the address and the guest names in the following text if necessary. The names are also in the rooms here {reservationDetailsHtml}, I know, but I would like to use the names of the guests using the rooms in the salutation.
Like: ‘Dera Mr. Booker, Thank you for your booking for Mr Guest1 and Mrs Guest2 etc.’ Therefore the request for different placeholders. The article placeholder supplies just the booker name.
So, maybe the answer is: No? Isn´t it?
Best regards
@Leif Penning the answer is definetly no
I’ve dived in the mew mailings alot in the last weeks because we want to change them for our needs. One thing i’ve stumbled upon, maybe @MarketaOupi knows anything about that, is that there are placeholders (like title) that may not filled in the guests profile at the point the mailing is sent … i haven’t checked that in detail but it would be interesting to know how mews handle such cases.
I guess mews just adds an empty value so you have gaps in your text in form of two white spaces?
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