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Mews Multi-property courses available in Mews University

  • 1 August 2023
  • 0 replies
Mews Multi-property courses available in Mews University

Hey there Community, 😎

Great news, the Mews Multi-property courses are Live now! 🚀

Following our product launch and webinar on Mews Multi-Property we are introducing The Mews University Multi-Property courses that are now available in the Mews University catalog for self-enrollment in English. ⚡️

Mews Multi-Property: User Management 🏫👨👩👧👦

You'll learn to set up your portfolio and understand what the difference is between users and roles. In addition, you'll set up and customize users and roles.

Mews Multi-Property: Rate Management 🏢💰

You’ll learn to set up your portfolio and how to add, edit, delete, and manage rates and vouchers. In addition, you'll learn how to download and import the portfolio rate template.


Start your interactive learning about User and Rate management functionalities by clicking on the links above or logging in to Mews University here 

For more information, please check our release note 👈

We hope you enjoy the courses and give us feedback! Happy learning! 🤓

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