TIP OF THE WEEK: Underlined Items

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Did you know that Mews has a hidden gem that can save you valuable time and effort? ⌚

We're excited to tell you more about the power of underlined items! These little underlines are more than just decorations – they are your shortcuts to various places within our system. When you click on an underlined item, it will take you directly to the respective location, bypassing unnecessary clicks and streamlining your workflow. 🚀

Let's take a look at an example: Channel Manager Queue 

Within our Channel Manager Queue, you'll find all your bookings and reservations from various online travel agencies (OTAs) and booking platforms. Instead of manually navigating through multiple screens to find the integration you need, simply click on the underlined platform name, such as Booking.com, and it will instantly transport you to the Booking.com integration page in your Marketplace. Or by clicking on the Enterprise column, your are taken straight away to your enterprise settings.

No more time wasted clicking through menus and searching for the right spot – the underlined item will take you directly where you need to be! This feature is designed to enhance your productivity and make your experience with our system even more seamless. So keep an eye out for those underlines throughout our system and let them guide you to your desired destinations with just a single click. 

Stay tuned for more exciting tips and tricks to help you optimize your Mews experience. We're here to make your life easier! If you have any questions or need further assistance, please comment below 👇 Happy clicking and efficient managing! 🍀

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