
TIP OF THE WEEK: Instant email queue access

  • 14 July 2023
  • 9 replies
TIP OF THE WEEK: Instant email queue access
Userlevel 6
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Psst! We've stumbled upon a little-known feature in Mews that can make your life so much easier when it comes to email management. 📫 In this "Tip of the Week" blog post, we'll share a super simple way to navigate to the email queue within Mews. No more complex searching, copying and pasting. Let's unravel this secret together! 💪

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. First things first open the guest profile you want to explore.
  2. Look for the "Dashboard" tab—it's your starting point, and it's right there, waiting for you.
  3. Once you're inside the Dashboard tab, keep your eyes peeled for the envelope icon. ✉ This humble little icon holds the key to the email queue, where all guest emails reside.
  4. Give that envelope icon a gentle click, and ta-da! You've successfully entered the mail queue, where you can effortlessly view all the emails sent to that guest.

Benefits of Using the Email Queue Feature: 🌟

  1. Simplicity at its best: The email queue provides a direct path to the guest's email history, effortlessly simplifying your workflow.
  2. Time well saved: Forget about endless searches for specific emails. With this feature, you'll find what you're looking for in no time.
  3. Exceptional guest care: Instant access to guest emails means you can be faster and more effective.

Please note: This feature is exclusively available for admin users.

Conclusion: We're thrilled to share this often forgotten feature in Mews that can help your email management. By following our "Tip of the Week," you'll unlock the hidden treasure within Mews and simplify your workflow effortlessly. Enjoy the newfound ease of managing emails!

Keep an eye out for more down-to-earth tips and tricks to enhance your Mews experience and take your property's operations to new heights. 🚀

9 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey Marketa,

Has this been rolled out to all users now? Or is it still only available to admins? 



Userlevel 6
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Hi @Sam,

thank  you for keeping a close eye on our content! 👀

You got a point, it is still available only to Admins and I added this info to the post above too. 👆

Have a great weekend! 🌸

Userlevel 2

Hey there

Is there a plausible explanation, why this is only available for admin users. Since the front office staff is dealing daily with the customers, it doesn’t make any sense, that this is not available for the whole front office staff.

Looking forward to any changes on this - hopefully soon


Userlevel 5
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hi @MarketaOupi this really has to be made available to all users with the customer and company data privilege. 

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Franziska G. and @mauritsbots,

thank you for pointing that out! 😎

I am starting a discussion internally, I will update you once I know more 🙌🏽

Have a great day! 

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Franziska G. and @mauritsbots and @Sam,

hope you are doing great! 🌞

Good news, this is in the product team backlog and will be released in a few weeks! 

So just a little patience and this feature will be available for all users! 😎

Userlevel 4
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Halleluja 🙏…… this is music to my ears, I can wait for this to be released to all users soon. 

We do have some issues with chargebacks where we need to provide the booking confirmation as evidence. In the meantime, until this is released we need to ask the risk team to pull the confirmation letter directly from MEWS, as the user in the property will hot have access to it. 

Btw - truly right an amazing feature. I love it, and glad I am an Admin! :-) Lets make all the rest happy too!

Userlevel 5
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Halleluja 🙏…… this is music to my ears, I can wait for this to be released to all users soon. 

We do have some issues with chargebacks where we need to provide the booking confirmation as evidence. In the meantime, until this is released we need to ask the risk team to pull the confirmation letter directly from MEWS, as the user in the property will hot have access to it. 

Btw - truly right an amazing feature. I love it, and glad I am an Admin! :-) Lets make all the rest happy too!


Userlevel 2
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Hello @Franziska G. , @mauritsbots , @ClaudiaM. and @Sam,


this is Stepan from Mews. I just wanted to share with you release note if you have not seen yet about the discussed feature in the thread here :) 


I hope that this will help you and wishing you a great day! Stepan


