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First things first: This post dives into some technical details about the Mews mailing templates and therefore is probably not suitable for everyone 🤖.

Lets be honest: The customization options for the mews mailings and the entire mailing handling is a bit lacking 🫠.

Especially frustrating is that mews adds content around the actual mailing so even if you edit these templates there is still a logo on top you probably don’t want in this form and some text at the bottom 😩.

I know that Mews is probably aiming for a very stress free system that mostly just works out of the box but i don’t think they should hinder “power users” unnecessarily that need to adjust these (fully) 😉.


Right now i am exploring ways to tackle this problem and to bring our Mews mailings to a visual level that is appropriate and matching our other communication 🙌.

The first step was looking into the mailings code and search for ways to handle that unwanted content. Because Mews is adding this around the template you can edit afterwards, there is no way to actually remove that 😌.

But it would be possible to hide the unwanted content by adding a style into the template that does exactly that. Below is my try which works actually not that bad:


body {
background: #e6e4e0 !important;
margin: 0px !important;

body > div:first-child {
background: #FFF !important;
max-width: auto !important;

body > div:first-child > div:first-child,
body > div:first-child > div:last-child > table:last-child,
.flexibleLogo {
display: none !important;


Important to mention here is that i’ve used some CSS selectors which are problematic in the realm of e-mailings. To be exact first-child and child-combinator doesn’t work in all clients, so this reset is not consistent and may fail to hide the contents in some cases/clients 🙈.

I’ve already created an feedback idea for adjusting mailing templates but i have is a very straightforward suggestion for the mews dev team that doesn’t change the current system, is not hard to implement and still gives us the opportunity to fully customize these templates (maybe you can help with that @tom.horner or @MarketaOupi):

Consider adding some classes/ids to your mailings elements, especially the logo and the “don’t share this information” part so we can target that 😘.

With that we would be able to add an (robust) style to our templates to hide these elements which would look something like that:


#mews_mailing_body {
background: #e6e4e0;
margin: 0px;

#mews_mailing_content {
background: #FFF !important;
max-width: auto !important;

#mews_info_disclaimer {
display: none !important;



@MarketaOupi just wanted to ask if adding useful ids/classes to the mews mailings is a possibility?

Hello @jones.eth,

thank you for this topic, checking it with the team, we had a company wide conference this week, so we are a bit slower with responding :) 

@MarketaOupi thanks for responding 💪. Awesome that you looking into that 😊!

For us this a very big thing because it seems pretty straightforward to do for you guys and allows us to customize the mews mailings on a level that really would be huge! Changes like below and way beyond would become tangible just by you adding some of these classes to hide unwanted elements and target others:


Hello all, 

some info from our product team! 💡

We agree with the opinion that our current options are somewhat limited. However, these are the choices we have at present. Currently, there are only two options: using the standard emails, which cannot be modified, or creating custom emails, which can be fully customized except for the standard styling, header, and footer that we add. We are exploring the possibility of allowing complete customization of emails in the future.

@MarketaOupi not gonna lie that's a bit disappointing, considering how easy of an solution my suggestion would be.

We are exploring the possibility of allowing complete customization of emails in the future.

That sounds just like a phrase …

We probably try the “hacky” approach for now and see how problematic thats gonna be … it seems like thats better than nothing 😅. Thanks for the feedback 👍.

@jones.eth Hi from the Netherlands. I tried adding your code into one of our mailings and indeed, it is not bad. In the mail itself the small logo is hidden. I am still trying to add a preheader text at the start of the mailing for the preview in the mailbox and increase open rate etc. Now the mail preview is just the link to the logo on the server: https://cdn,…..

Any ideas on how to get this fixed in the html? I also have a ticket pending at support but they are still investigating. 

Yeah my code is just the “reset” for these unwanted elements so you can start from scratch with your own html 😉

Text previews is definetly nothing that can be done in the scope that mews gives us. Maybe it would be possible to add hidden text like <div style="display:none;">Preview text</div> that is pulled for that bat thats seems a bit hacky too 😃.

Without seeing some code i would guess that you copied something like the above from the internet, adjusted the preview text and deleted by accident the closing tag (something like </div>) which result in pretty much the whole content hidden because the <div style="display:none;"> isn’t close where it should be 🤔.

