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In an effort to leverage the Guest Journey within Mews, I have updated our Checkout Invitation to include a note about adding gratuities as part of checking out online and added this to the ‘Rules’ for checking out online. I’m trying to determine whether there is a best practice for doing this already in use by other properties or if there are recommendations for how to improve the process I’ve created. Am I missing any other areas of communicating this within the Guest Journey? 

I am planning to add an in-room printed piece to the physical Guest experience, drawing attention primarily to the ability to checkout online the day before through the morning of departure and, as a ‘by the way’ mention, including a line about the Guest’s ability to express his/her appreciation for the service and hospitality they’ve experienced during their stay.

Within Documents, there’s no option for Instructions, so I chose Rules and I believe this is visible to the Guest only in the Guest portal when completing checkout online. 

In the commander, Guest Gratuities has been created as an Additional Service. Two product categories divide the gratuities between departments and each category has specific dollar amount products Guests can select or, if requested, employee as the Front Desk can select, as chosen within the options of the Service set-up: After check-in, during stay, before checkout, and after checkout.

Product Categories and Products as Additional Services
Check-out Invitation Email
Service > Document > Rules > House Rules


interesting case you are making here @DavidFoxx, did not look into this yet - will do now!

Any statistics you can share? Are guests really adding the gratuity?

No statistics to share yet, but yes, Guests appreciate the ability to do this digitally given how much of the world is cashless now (or at least our ‘corner’ of the world).

Hey @DavidFoxx, thank you for this interesting topic! 
Tagging some users that could possibly have some tips & tricks about mail templates! Thank you! 
@j.spiess @Mick @Sanne @Hendrik Renken 


Hi @DavidFoxx very interesting, I like your creativity! We have not been thinking about it much yet, since we are at the start of transitioning into self service front office. We use Mews Terminals and we have recently raised the idea of adding the possibility to add tip on the Mews Terminal or somewhere in the guest journey in the Mews Kiosk. 

I have to say that in Europe, giving gratuities is not as common as in the US - so worst case scenario you would have to lead us they way 😉

Looking at your e-mail, I see that the steps are explained perfectly so I have nothing valuable to add. 

Regards, Sanne 

Thank you, Sanne! I’m happy to know my approach may help you as your property’s operations evolve. Here, we’re at the bottom of our off-season so I probably won’t know how effective my approach is until the start of the new year as we climb back into peak season spanning January - March.

My first in-room piece created for the evening before the Guest’s departure is attached. The language on this piece echos what I’ve used in the Guest Journey, for consistency, and to ensure if any other steps of the Guest Journey are missed by the Guest, this piece may help fill the gap. The additional images farther below are our hotel’s room key artwork, front and back.

Please note, our hotel caters to the LGBTQ+ community; we are the premiere adults-only gay hotel on Florida’s West Coast. Our theming pays homage to the male physique, although we inclusively welcome anyone who meets our minimum age requirement (25 for primary Guest and 21 for secondary/tertiary Guests). Our theme throughout our hotel can be seen in our public spaces and Guest rooms, and in some cases borders on the edge of artistically naughty. 😉


 CONCEPT 1: Pre-Online Checkout In-room Card

Sides A & B, MJH Guest Room Hotel Key Artwork


Hey @DavidFoxx, thank you for this interesting topic! 
Tagging some users that could possibly have some tips & tricks about mail templates! Thank you! 
@j.spiess @Mick @Sanne @Hendrik Renken 


Thank you very much, Markéta! The more others experienced with Mews and how best to leverage its capabilities, the better! 

@DavidFoxx It looks fantastic, really awesome. I hope your creative process yields what you hope it will! 

Regards, Sanne 
