
Looking into FAQs About Our SMS Package

  • 24 October 2023
  • 0 replies
Looking into FAQs About Our SMS Package
Userlevel 3

Our new SMS package has been sparking lots of questions. ⭐ So, we're here with quick and easy answers to the things you've been wondering about. 🤔 
1. Sending SMS Messages in Different Languages
Q: Can SMS messages be sent in different languages based on the guest's phone number? 
A: SMS language is based on guest preferences, nationality, or enterprise language, falling back to English when none are available. 
2. Guest Responses to SMS
: Can guests reply to SMS messages? 
A: Our SMS system supports one-way communication; guest replies are not sent. 
3. Online Check-In and SMS
 Does completing online check-in without providing credit card information mark a reservation as checked-in? 
A: No, check-in only occurs when guests reach the final screen of the online check-in. 


4. Error Messages for Undelivered SMS
 Is there an error message for undelivered SMS replies? 
A: This depends on more factors, such as the device a guest uses and the country to which we send SMS. If we use a Sender name or Phone number, generally Android devices do not support replying to the Sender name, so guests won't even have that option. In other cases, the device will not display the response SMS as sent. Currently, Mews does not trigger any error messages; undelivered messages are not acknowledged. 
5. Tracking Guest Check-In via SMS
 How can properties track guest check-in via SMS, and view sent SMS texts? 
A: Tracking guest check-in via SMS is not available for now. This information can be provided by Customer Success Manager and we are looking at reporting options to make it available for you all the time. 
6. SMS Queue
Can I find out if the SMS was delivered and what was the cost of the SMS? 

A: Yes! You can find this information under "Menu - Queue - Text messages," similar to the mail queue. 
7. Opting Out of SMS for Certain Bookings
Q: Can properties opt out of sending SMS for specific bookings, like those from Airbnb? 
A: Currently, opting out is not possible to SMS only – they are tied to Before start reminder emails, as we aim to encourage online check-in.  


Your questions and suggestions mean a lot to us. Keep them coming as they have impact on the solution we deliver for you, and thanks for being a part of our community! 🌺

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