Looking for help with setting up Hotel Search, Ads, Analytics, etc.

  • 5 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5


Hi all,

As I’m guessing some of you have been, I’ve been butting my head against the Google ecosystem wall for years now.  

I never seem to get the pieces working correctly with each other.


  • How do I tie my ads account to my Google Hotel Profile?
  • I can see analytics, but not of the Booking Engine conversions
  • I can see rates on Hotel Search, but not sure I’m doing it correctly.
  • I can run and ad, but not track its results.
  • How can I ensure my information is consistent across all needed data points to ensure we’re not flagged.
  • What are best SEO practices as of 2023?

Does anyone know an expert?

Can point me to some good step by step tutorials?





1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hey there! I'm still struggling to get this set up properly. I could really use some assistance! Haha! Can anyone out there suggest a freelancer who might be able to help me out? Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
