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Are there any free options to continue automatically listing rates with Google Hotel Search after it ends its integration with Mews on July 1?    

On May 10, we received this email from MEWS announcing the discontinuation of the program. 

We appreciated the ability to list on Google Hotels via the MEWS integration in the past. It worked fine, and it was free.

We’re looking for alternatives now that don’t cost money. 

Posting in this forum because didnt see any discussion about the ending of this integration yet. 


Hi Mewser,


We're writing to let you know that Google has decided to discontinue its Google Hotel Search integration with Mews, effective July 1st, 2024.  


This means that as of that date, the connection between Google Hotel Search and Mews will no longer be supported.   


Why? Unfortunately, this decision was made by Google, not Mews. We’re still uncertain about the reasons behind Google’s choice, but we’re actively seeking alternatives.  


What’s next? The good news is that Mews has a brilliant network of partners who are able to offer solutions. We have actively explored the best alternatives for you and have selected the following partners, all of whom are able to offer exclusive rates to Mews customers.  

Over the coming weeks we will share more information about our chosen partners in the Mews Community, so keep your eyes peeled. “

Unfortunately no such free alternatives suggest. We would have highly recommended them if it did! 

The reality is that integrations like these are very costly to build and maintain, which is the likely reason Google decided to sunset the integration they built towards Mews. The big drop in effectiveness on Google Hotel Search due to compliance with the Digital Markets Act also doesn’t provide further incentive to make these types of investments. 

The best we can offer right now are the exclusive deals with the partners as presented. More partners are already joining the conversation with their offerings of a GHS integration. Those are the currently most cost-effective alternatives we have available.

Hi Jord.Sips, 

Google will left the european market because the regulation is from european Consulat ? 

But why the Canadian and Us are impact by those new european law ? 



Hi Jord.Sips, 

Google will left the european market because the regulation is from european Consulat ? 

But why the Canadian and Us are impact by those new european law ? 



Thanks for your question, let me clarify: as far as we know, Google has not dropped the integration due to the DMA, their actual reasons for dropping the integration are unknown to us. We expect this is due to a consolidation effort on their side to reduce their maintenance load. The DMA is however a consideration for future investments. As of this moment we believe our partners can offer a more economic solution than we can. 
