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I am a new to Mews and am currently at the beginning stages of opening our property.

I was wondering if anyone would be able to share any advice / guidance on creating a Front Office Checklist. Any tips or best practices would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Hi @yasminamyes 
Great question to ask this community.
Let’s see if we can crowd-source some input from other properties on this topic.
@Leif Penning @JohanaA @stacyjay @Maud , as fellow front-office managers, you might be able to add some wise comments here?

In the meantime, Mews have already created a list of what we suggest a checklist should look like, here in this article. I hope you find that useful.

Hello @yasminamyes 


Here is what has been set up in our property. The standard procedure is splitted by shifts. Some of the points may converge and others differ from shift to shift. It goes without saying that the e-mail and phone answering must be attended to as well during all the day alongside following the procedure😉


Checklist AM Shift (7Am to 3PM):

=> Count cashier

=> Check tasks and internal Word file agenda that contains all the notes that may be useful regarding a guest, an issue, a meeting, a gathering room schedule, really anything but regrouped by category and/or department

=> Check occupancy of the day, availability and rate

=> Check departures (from the donut on the dashboard, it is very easy) so you can see the descrepancies if there are any

=> Proceed with the checkout and issue the receivables if needed. Check also, when all the check-out have been processed if all the bills in relation with the “departed” reservation have been closed and if not, find out why

=> Check the group reservations agenda where all the due dates (end of option/offer, first deposit due, etc..) are written for a good day to day/date to date follow up

=> Check arrival of the day, if there are any missed online check-in or virtual credit card not charged or charged on an other profile (That happens when the booker profile is replaced by the actual guest profile. You then have to go on the payment tab of the booker profile to get the payement and move it to the guest profile bill), duration of the stay assignment regarding guests requests and/or travel agency demands, any group arrival for which it is better to encode the roomkeys beforehand, etc..

=>**Specific to our property because we love to check things for them to be accurate😅**: each time you have an order alert warning you of a new reservation and/or a new product booking, double check it and prepare the billing in advance if needed

=> End of shit procedure: we close and reopen the cashier at each end of shift and the amount droped must match the accounting report and the base amount of the cashier must be back to its original value.

=> Update the daily agenda and once your colleagues arrive, proceed with the information handover


Checklist PM (3PM to 11PM):

=> Same as for the AM shift (some departures may remain to be processed because of a late c/o), except you will be mainly proceed with the check-in(s) for which we take the payment directly (if the guest agrees)


Night checklist: it is so specific from one property to another (some don’t even have a night audit), that you must come up yourself with one of your own that match your needs 😉


Hope this helps a little





Hi Stephane,

Thank you for your help. It is muchly appreciated.

Kind Regards



Hi @yasminamyes! I see you already received some very useful tips, that's great!

What we changed in our front office procedure when we switched to Mews, is the timing of our preparation of check-outs because we offer online check-out. Depending on the timing of your online check out invitation, it might be wise to prepare your check-outs during the late shift (check outs for the next day). 

Hi Sanne,

Thank you for your recommendation. We will also be offering mobile check outs, so I will look into this.

Thanks again :)
