Free open API access for Starter and Pro Package Subscribers, too

  • 12 January 2024
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Dear community of users! Dear colleagues!

There is a feature request for free Open API access for all subscribtion tiers on

What Do you think about it? If you would like to support it, visit the link below and vote it up!

My personal view: the data belongs to us, the customers! Full API access should be the standard, no matter which tier your are on. It's useful for inidividual solutions if IT knowledge and capabilities are available in-house. Sometimes you just need a small tool to extract some data because MEWS doesn’t have the report built in, or whatever … what are your thoughts about it.

Open and free API access is one of the major selling points for MEWS, so it should stick to it’s open approach and grant access to any property that likes to, not only third-party developers.



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