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I am searching for a solution which will enable me to save all invoices and bills, as individual pdf files for a specific period - ex. Jan 1 2023 to Dec 31 2023.

I know that I can generate a report - but it is the details of each bill & invoice that I need to document.

It is also possible to do this per invoice…. but that is a really tedious task for a whole year. -

Thanks in advance.


Hi Nikolas, 
Thank you for your question! 

Currently, there is no way to do this directly in Mews Operations, unfortunately. You would have to download them one by one, which is, in fact, a really tedious task. 

However, there might be a workaround for it available soon, I am checking it with our Tech Team at the moment and I will get back to you with more details next week. 

Warm regards 🌸


Thanks for responding. I truly hope that a solution can be found, as I encounter more & more properties who indicate that they find this situation extremely frustrating.

Have a fabulous weekend & I hope to hear more in the near future.



This could be done using the API by implementing a custom solution (not too hard for any half decent software developer).

But, but, only for Enterprise Customers … since API Access is only available for Enterprise tier Customers.
Again, vote this feature request up 🙂 to give us plain mortals API access, too !


Thanks Jean-Philipp…...will try to see if this works.

However Elena did indicate that Mews will possibly provide a solution in the near future.


Hi Jean-Philipp, 

Thank you for your input! 
It is true, that this is technically possible to do via our open API, however, it does require quite advanced JAVA knowledge, and also this solution would have to get certified with Mews as an integration. 
Therefore, we do not recommend this solution to our customers due to its technical and organizational complexity. 

I will post an update here next week 🌸

Warm regards, 


well, the programming language does not really matter…. Python would also perfectly do it.

Please correct me, but if not used as a third party integration (not public in marketplace), only a custom private solution in an enterprise tier property, no certification would be required, right?

currently,  starter or pro subscription can achieve a custom application only by developing an integration and publishing it in marketplace… as I understood the (arbitrary) situation.



Hi Nikolas and Jean-Philipp:) 
I hope you are both having an amazing weekend. 

Regarding the API solution - this solution does require really advanced coding skills and therefore we cannot recommend this solution to our customers as we do not expect them to possess such skills. As for your question about private integrations, they still must go through the certification process, and this is yet another reason why we do not recommend this solution. It is possible to do it as you suggested, if you are highly skilled in coding and ready to go through the whole integration certification process, however, this will require a lot of time and recourses. 

Now, the update regarding the initial question; we are working on a tool that we will be able to use to download these invoices for you. I know that this tool should be ready quite soon, however, I do not have an exact date that I could share with you as we are still finalizing some details. 

Nikolas, do you need these invoices urgently or is it something that can wait a bit? If you want, I can open a support case for you once I know more and keep you updated there.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Warm regards 🌸 

Please keep us updated, am also looking forward to such a tool!


This is fantastic news & just made my amazing weekend even better.

My client is switching from one Mews platform to another - ownership change & pretty complicated from a legal perspective. Anyway, the original Mews platform subscription will end on July 31st 2024…. if the solution is not ready by then, I could request for them to extend the subscription.

Looking forward to hearing more from you & hope your weekend is gonna as great as mine.


I see, thank you for providing these details @N.HALL Consulting. I will keep you posted. 

@mauritsbots Sure, I will post an update here as well:) 

Warm regards 🌸

Heya Elena

I know you have been busy, and with the event in Prague this week - even less time on your hands.

However I am just wondering if any progress has been made with this case, as would like to advise my client as to how they should move forward.

Thanks & have a great weekend.


Hi Nikolas,

Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you need to take action soon; I remember about you and I have been checking with our tech team regularly. So far it looks like the tool will be ready very soon! 

However, please give me a few more days to have this confirmed. I will post an update here on Wednesday, I hope it is okay. 

Have a wonderful week ahead! 

Warm regards 🌸

Fantastic Elena - looking forward to positive news

Dear Nikolas, 

I have opened a support case for you and sent you a current update there. 

For everyone else following this thread - I will post an update here soon, when we are 100% sure about the release date. 

Have a great day 🌸

Highly appreciated Elena & the technical team.

Looking forward to seeing the final solution when it is ready.

Have a fabulous afternoon.

I also need this feature urgently. 
Once a month I need to download each invoice as PDF for my accountant!
One by on download drives me crazy!
API to difficult and not needs upgrade, which is not possible for our little hotel...

@Tomsel - as far as I have heard a solution is in the pipeline and should be released in the foreseeable future.

@Tomsel - as far as I have heard a solution is in the pipeline and should be released in the foreseeable future.

Thanks for replying.
Yes let´s hope it will be there soon..
