
Breakfast product setup mistake to be fixed

  • 14 November 2023
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hello everybody

While setting up Mews and especially the breakfast products we put them as consumed “before night” and not “after night” as we should have. It escaped the vigilance of our account manager and ours...😩


The result is that now while printing our F&B breakfast list (using the products report) there is 1 day gap. Indeed the number of the breakfasts products for let’s say the 15th of November is actually the one of the 14th of November and so on (see below): 

We have tried to correct it of course by setting the concerned products to “after night”, but it does not seem to be updating everyhting that as already been registered in Mews. And there are already thousands of reservations and products registered...


Do you know if there is way to do an automatic refresh/update, passing the products from consumed “before night” to “after night”, or are we screwed and must stuck with it as it is? 😅


Thanks for your help






Best answer by alzbeta skrabalkova 16 November 2023, 10:54

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi @smehia

I don’t think there is a way to do an automatic update to fix this. 

What would however help you is creating a new product with the correct configuration (after night), and you would adjust the product rules to change the rule of the current product as “cancel” and “add” the new product. 
It’s explained on an example of a city tax in this article here, you’d be looking at the city tax as a product part. 

Hope it helps :) 


Userlevel 5
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Hello @alzbeta skrabalkova 


I get what you are saying, but it is the same as to correct the product and have it added by the already existing rule. I mean it will work for all the future reservations, but the arleady registered ones won’t be updated by the new rule/product and it would be too time consuming to address each and every reservation already in the system


Besides ,the new “breakfast report” on which the development team is working on, should fix the problem in a way. Meanwhile we will continue to indicate the “1-day- gap” to our F&B team


Thanks anyway for your help





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@alzbeta skrabalkova @MarketaOupi @Aldair Borges @Sarah.Masterton-Brown  hello hello everybody


I’ve read in a recent topic about a city tax update for a hotel in Amsterdam that  a bulk update could be performed by the Mews support to replace the no longer used product by the new one (follow this link) 


Is that also possible for this issue if we create a “breakfast” product with the right rules (meaning implemented after midnight instead of before midnight) ?


That would solve the discrepancies in the report


Thanks in advance for your reply



Userlevel 4
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hey @smehia

that is what I was suggesting as a solution in my original message :) 

If you create a new product and use the product rules to “cancel” the original product and “add” the new product, it is not only applicable for the new reservations, but it will also update the reservations already existing in your system. 

It will require creation of a new product with the correct setup and updating the product rules (all explained in the article here), but ultimately you will replace the previous product with the new one. 

Let me know if it helps!

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@alzbeta skrabalkova 

Wow ok, it took me quite a while to get what you meant and see the mechanic behind the procedure 😅


Well, I can take care of the creation of the new (correct) product and the rule(s) applying accordingly, but I need to know if the bulk update (once we contact the Mews support when ready to proceed), is done immediatly, in 24 hours, more? Just a little heads up to give to my colleagues of the F&B before launching the “update machine” .


Do you happen to have that information by any chance ? And also maybe what I need to ask exactly when contacting the support: bulk update of a given product (as simple as that) ?


Thank you again for your help and patience



Userlevel 4
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Hi @smehia

no worries at all, I know it’s a bit complex process :) 

On support’s side, the update does not take long to complete, as soon as we get to your request. For the smoothest and quickest results, I’d recommend sending a support ticket and afterwards giving us a quick call just to let us know that you need to run the update job. It should be then done momentarily. 

As for the info you need to share with us, all we need to know is that you wish to run a future product update. It’s also helpful if you let us know that you did follow the article, so that we don’t need to send it to you again (we usually do, just to make sure you’ve done everything correctly.) You do not need to necessarily tell us what product you’re updating, but if you do, we can then verify if all went well. 


Hope it helps :) 

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It sure does @alzbeta skrabalkova 

We will proceed with the update in January 2024


Thank you again for your help




Userlevel 5
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Hello @alzbeta skrabalkova  and @MarketaOupi 


Happy New Year !!


We have just made the update request


Hope this will go smoothly




