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Assign Spaces to Housekeeping - Stayover or Departure


When assigning spaces to housekeeping, we need to know if it is a stayover or a departure. Is this possible ?

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hello @Camilla.Evelyn 


Yes indeed either when clicking on the space status donut on the dashboard or on the phone app or by filtering accordingly


As you can see on the picture here below you can clearly observe the number of nights remaining for the stayover reservations


The line in the middle indicates the theoretical maximum check-out time if a departure is scheduled for the reservation


On the Mews phone app, it is clearly mentionned “stayover” (see picture below)


For the filters to choose from you go on the room status donut and then simply choose from the list


Once you have what you need you can even create a custom link


Hope it helps a little





Userlevel 2

Thank you @smehia :)


My issue is when click to chosse spaces for the assignee, then it only shows the room number, not the status (stayover or departing)


So then i have to first use the fílter Stayover and choose rooms and then change the filter to departed/departing and choose rooms again. It would be easier with the staus shown next to the room :)



Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Indeed, if you do the room assignment via the phone app, that would be easier but it is based on the same model as for the web API so the issue is the same


Therefore you have to make a first search (as you already do) and then assign the rooms. It is not convenient at all and has already been reported several time on this forum and on the feedback forum too for the developpers to come up with an enhanced version of the housekeeping management feature but according to @Aldair Borges it is not on the roadmap for now


You can always turn to an additional integration that will do the job Mews does not, but is goes with additional costs too


On our side, we made an Exel calculation sheet that works in relation with the export file of the room status generated by Mews to help us ease our tasks and the cleaning planning management…


Maybe one day, we will finally get what we excpect 🤞


