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Hi Community,

We've received numerous cases about a recurring issue, so we wanted to clarify this process to help properties avoid future payment failures.
Many customers are using the same profile to post all Food & Beverage charges, but they're not setting it up as a Paymaster account. When too many credit card transactions are posted to this single profile, payments begin to fail. This often causes properties to panic as they experience disruptions in payment processing.

To prevent this issue, here are a few important steps to follow:

  • Create a Paymaster Profile: Instead of using a regular guest or transaction profile, create a dedicated Paymaster account specifically for handling F&B or other group charges.
  • Add paymaster account classification (the most important step to ensure correct payment processing)
    • Open the Paymaster account profile.
    • Go to the Internals tab.
    • In the Classification field, select the Paymaster account.
    • Click Save.
  • Centralize Transactions Appropriately: Once the Paymaster account is set up, post all relevant charges (such as F&B or group billing) to this profile. This helps streamline multiple transactions without the risk of exceeding credit card limits.

By following these steps, you'll significantly reduce the risk of payment failures and ensure smooth processing, even with high transaction volumes.
For further details, check out the article that outlines this process in more depth and offers additional tips to help you avoid this common issue.

Stay proactive to keep payments running smoothly and minimize disruptions for your property! 🌟

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