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Learn & Share #01: Unveiling the new Guest Portal

  • 4 June 2024
  • 0 replies
Learn & Share #01: Unveiling the new Guest Portal

Hi there!  

I’m Olivia, the product manager working on our new Guest Portal. 👋

Just last week, at our annual UNFOLD event, we unveiled our vision for a connected guest experience for those who couldn’t join us or want to relive the moment here's the announcement video 

This is just the beginning of what promises to be a remarkable journey! 

We are launching the new Guest Portal BETA version, if you are as excited as we are and want to get your hands on it, you can apply here to join the BETA program

But this isn’t just about us doing the work behind the scenes. We want you to be a part of this process too. This article is the first in a series of dedicated posts here on the Mews Community for you to have a closer look at the new Guest Portal.  

We will share a series of straightforward tips to ensure your property has the best set-up and is prepared to leverage all the benefits of the new Guest Portal for the launch.  

But enough about us, we want to hear from you.  

What features sparked your interest the most? How do you envision using online check-in to elevate your service offerings?  

What would you like to see us tackle next in our development pipeline? Your feedback is important to us - it shapes the future of the new Guest Portal but also the entire Mews Ecosystem. 
Share your thoughts on the comment section and stay tuned for our next post. I'll give you more sneak peeks into the new Guest Portal and share some insider tips on how to make your upsell efforts pay off.  

See you soon! 


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