What are your Hospitality Employee Learning and Development needs for 2024?

  • 3 January 2024
  • 3 replies

How do your newbies get up to speed quickly when they join?
How do you continually develop and enhance your tenured team members?

The Mews University team are eager to hear from you!; to discuss your needs as part of our evolving learning roadmap and to empower your users old and new to harness the technology at their disposal whilst building upon their role based soft skills. 

Lets connect and discuss current and ideal future states!

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hello @liam.kilgallon 


Well we just migrated from Amadeus-Hotel Concept IDMPS in October 2023 so we are all kind of newbees using MEWS 😅


So regarding our own “case” the Mews University was very helpfull along with the help of our Onboarding Manager for the details’ explanation.


I personnaly think some courses should be mandatory regardless of your position in the property or your training path/program to get a firm first grasp on the PMS. And then some redundant parts or the courses (like the introductions to Mews for instance) could be skipped (even if ou can do it yourself while following the program 😉)


Anyway, after those few months, I’m planning on creating a new standard procedure (like we use to have while working with Amadeus) that is adapted to the Mews use and to our method and demands of work regarding our property.


It will be evolving along with Mews and therefore “Newbees” and “Tenured” will have another tool to keep up with the flow and help them. I’ve already created an Excel file to help with the housekeeping planning, which is not user (meaning not HK Manager) friendly and also time consumming to us, as all the property activities are centralized at the reception except for the breakfast


Hope this feedback will be useful





Hi Stephane, 

thank you so much for the thoughts and feedback, especially given how recently your property migrated to Mews! The recent experience is very valuable.

You’ve compounded something we’re hearing a lot, re Mandatory Training. Thank you!
Some properties are manually enforcing Learning Path completion before their new hires “go live” but this currently involves manual effort that we need to look at digitising for efficiency in the Mews Uni Workflow. 

Are there any other notable trainings whether technology or skill based you feel are missing from Mews University today that could help?
Examples I’ve heard recently: How to provide an excellent guest experience. How to effectively upsell. How to manage an escalation or challenging customer. 

Thanks again, Stephane!

Userlevel 5
Badge +7


Well if you want to offer an all-in one experience (more than it already is), you are going down a path filled with traps.


I mean you can always organize/attend to webinars on how to upsell or on how to welcome a guest, but it needs to be pinpoint on the needs of the property the Mewsers/you are working in/for


You could always have a Q&A session afterwards to be able to aim exactly at what is needed, but to me it all comes to one thing at the end of the day: practicing, making mistakes, learn and improve thanks to that “specific” path.


I’m sure your team is very able to provide more quality tools, but it is not because you know the name of those tools or how they should be used that you actually can efficiently use them in your work environment. That is what I learned along the years and why I got the idea of the standard procedure: the one I made while using Amadeus and the one I’m planning to make for Mews


Please don’t take my remarks as arrogant because that is not what I want to express. Just want to say that the best thing to do before adding anything is to make sure that the basic knowledge is solid.


To end that neverending comment (sorry about that 😅) there is always a place for improvement (again that Housekeeping planning system …. 😉), and maybe a follow up on the Procuct Idea forums best ideas should be discussed here ont the “Community” site. Kind of a mix of best of both worlds.


Anyway, don’t know if this will be useful, but I’m always interested in seeing on how it will be welcomed


Regards and happy New Year 😁


