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Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing great. 

Are you part of your business’s accounting team or do you frequently use the trial balance report? If so, this is for you👀👇 

As some of you already know, from the finance team we are working on really exciting improvements in Ledgers and Trial Balance reports.

We would love to hear your thoughts regarding Trial Balance in order to design the best solution for you.

For this, we would like to invite you to a 30min chat where we will show you our designs. Your feedback is highly important to deeply understand your needs. 


Please reply to this post if you are interested so that we can schedule the call. 

Thank you so much!




Hi Blanca,


This is Genki from UDS.

As we are based in Japan, we have a hard time adhering to Japanese accounting standards.

There we are combining excel macros and an integration through omniboost to get the monthly journal (trial balance) that fits the Japanese criteria.

Would like to know how flexible we can set the trial balance report to be.


Best regards

Genki Takahashi

Hello @Blanca Zulueta 


When will the beta be extended to other regions beside North America ?

 As @RURURUDS  said, some local criteria might not be present and/or fit the new feature version…


When coming to Europe and Belgium by extension, will be happy to give some thoughts about what can be done. A one page daily-report for example (got some layouts to share) would be very profitable to everybody I think 😁


See you




@RURURUDS Hello Genki, thank you so much for your reply!

This is exactly what we want to understand and validate in this discovery phase in order to come up with the best solution for all of you. It would be great if we could meet and further discuss your needs so that we take them into account :)

If you are interested please feel free to leave an email where I can send an invite for that 30min call.

Thanks again!

@smehia thank you Stephane for your response, I really appreciate it.
The team will soon start with the expansion of the ledgers reporting for the rest of the regions, so it would be amazing to hear those thoughts and see the examples you mention.
Please let me know to what email/s we can send the meeting invite to have a quick chat about it :)


Thanks again!

We are interested and are happy to take the time. Please invite [email protected] and [email protected]. Thank you very much.

@smehia thank you Stephane for your response, I really appreciate it.
The team will soon start with the expansion of the ledgers reporting for the rest of the regions, so it would be amazing to hear those thoughts and see the examples you mention.
Please let me know to what email/s we can send the meeting invite to have a quick chat about it :)


Thanks again!

Well the idea was to have a single report with all the needed information (revpar, adr, pick up, wash, etc..) in regards of a budget that we (ourselves) put sowewhere in the system to work in regards of it. See below for an example of what I mean


Well aware that this is quite a rework but you get the main idea 😉




