Hi everyone ,
One of the next topics we are looking into for the Guest Portal, is giving you more flexibility to decide whether you want to collect the payment card details as part of the online check-in (OCI) flow.
Today it is mandatory and we know it does not fit every situation: credit cards are less prevalent in certain countries, it may not be necessary for prepaid rates, it creates unnecessary confusion or drop-offs from guests, etc.
We are not ready to launch a BETA just yet but we’re exploring a few options and wanted to share our current state of thoughts to hear your feedback.
- Set-it up at the Bookable Service level where you could decide to ask for cards in OCI, or make it depend on whether the rate is (partially/fully) prepaid or not. This is similar to the set-up we have in place for the Booking Engine.
- I’m wondering whether that’s not granular enough? - i.e. you may want to collect card details for OTA bookings, whether they are prepaid or not, when you only have VCC details from the OTA.
- Set-it up at the Rate Group level, with an option to request or skip card details as part on OCI. Payment policies are also defined at that level so that seems quite logical.
- Set-it up at the Rate level. This feels like it may be too granular given the number of rates in use? It would take more time to set-up and also be more cumbersome to maintain.
Any feedback on the above? Or other suggestions? Please add your thought in the comments. We’d love to hear more to make our solution as easy to work with as possible.
Thank you in advance!