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Hello all! 

Hope you are doing phenomenal 🙏

We are kicking off research on an upcoming feature in Mews, House-Level Overbooking 🙌 

What do we understand when speaking about House-Level Overbooking? 


Currently Availability Adjustments are possible but at 'space category' level. Hotels want to be able to select room categories to overbook without having to overbook all the room categories, so an overbooking strategy without influencing the overall property occupancy.

A House-Level Overbooking Adjustment would be an Availability Adjustment for all spaces (house) that is the “master” adjustment. When the house-level availability adjustment is reached, all space adjustments for that time-period will be closed.


Is this something you are looking for in your PMS? Or are you a revenue manager with further insights on this to share? I would love to have a 30 minute conversation with you! 

Would you be available on Tuesday (7/5) or Wednesday (8/5) perhaps? 👀

Greatly looking forward to hearing from you! 💪

Warmest regards,


Hi Nieke; Yes, I would be interested to have a call 🙂. 7 or 8 May would be possible.

Hello @Nienke Wilbrink 


What would be great would be if by just clicking the “overbooking” red line on the time line we could see a list of all the reservations not assigned (because of the overbooking) and for each one of them the corresponding date we should have a look to.


For now the search is kind of inconvenient...😅


But maybe there is another solution to find them in a much easier way that I’m not aware of. If so, do not hesitate to let me know, it would be of a great help





yes! i see @Kayleigh has already commented; but also @gj.vanderlaag and @dvdb could be keen on providing feedback

Hi @Nienke Wilbrink ,


also happy to jump on a call with you




Hi @Linus.Bihn @mauritsbots and @Kayleigh ,

Amazing, I will reach out to you with an email invite in that case. Thank you for the swift reply!

I have forwarded the invites, please let me know if the invite did not come through well 🤞

Looking forward to speaking 😁





Hello @Nienke Wilbrink 


What would be great would be if by just clicking the “overbooking” red line on the time line we could see a list of all the reservations not assigned (because of the overbooking) and for each one of them the corresponding date we should have a look to.


For now the search is kind of inconvenient...😅


But maybe there is another solution to find them in a much easier way that I’m not aware of. If so, do not hesitate to let me know, it would be of a great help





Hi @smehia ,

Thank you for your reply! This is something we are actively looking into currently and an elegant solution is already cooking. But more on that will follow later 🔮




CC: @ettore.zotarelli 

@Nienke Wilbrink I will also happy to jump on a call with you

Looking forward to speaking 😁


@Nienke Wilbrink I will also happy to jump on a call with you

Looking forward to speaking 😁


Hi @wahiba ,

Thank you! I have shared an invite with you via email. Hope this slot suits you well 😁



Hi Nienke,

if you need any more input on this, Silvia Ballmann would be a perfect person to talk to about this.

Best, Svenja

Hi Nienke,

if you need any more input on this, Silvia Ballmann would be a perfect person to talk to about this.

Best, Svenja

Hi @Svenja ,

That would be wonderful! I will reach out to Silvia via email 👌

Thank you! 



Hello @Nienke Wilbrink 


What would be great would be if by just clicking the “overbooking” red line on the time line we could see a list of all the reservations not assigned (because of the overbooking) and for each one of them the corresponding date we should have a look to.


For now the search is kind of inconvenient...😅


But maybe there is another solution to find them in a much easier way that I’m not aware of. If so, do not hesitate to let me know, it would be of a great help





Hi @smehia ,

Thank you for your reply! This is something we are actively looking into currently and an elegant solution is already cooking. But more on that will follow later 🔮




CC: @ettore.zotarelli 

Nice @Nienke Wilbrink @ettore.zotarelli 


Looking forward to it 😉





Hello @Nienke Wilbrink 


What would be great would be if by just clicking the “overbooking” red line on the time line we could see a list of all the reservations not assigned (because of the overbooking) and for each one of them the corresponding date we should have a look to.


For now the search is kind of inconvenient...😅


But maybe there is another solution to find them in a much easier way that I’m not aware of. If so, do not hesitate to let me know, it would be of a great help





Hi @smehia ,

Thank you for your reply! This is something we are actively looking into currently and an elegant solution is already cooking. But more on that will follow later 🔮




CC: @ettore.zotarelli 

Nice @Nienke Wilbrink @ettore.zotarelli 


Looking forward to it 😉






So are we! 😁

Hi @Kayleigh , @smehia , @Svenja , @wahiba , @Linus.Bihn , @mauritsbots , @Femke , @Martijn Coolen Slow Traveling , @jenluu , and others!

Hope you are all doing great 😁

I would like to ask you for some insights into the topic of house level overbooking. Especially in combination with Availability adjustments

Herewith some scenarios where I would love to learn from you about:

Scenario 1: You have created a house level overbooking of 2, but no space category availability adjustments. 

What is expected in this case?

  1. This should not be possible, there should be an availability adjustment in place for a house level overbooking to exist. 
  2. The entire property could be overbooked by 2 from any space category. 
  3. Other:

Scenario 2: You have created a house level overbooking of 5, a space category availability adjustment on the Standard room of 2 and on the King room of 2. There is no availability adjustment set on the Suite. 

  1. The suite can be overbooked with 1. 
  2. The suite cannot be overbooked at any time and the house level overbooking maximum is 4 (adjustments of the Standard room and King room). 
  3. Other: 

Looking forward to hearing and learning from you in either this conversation or in a private message 😊



Hi Nienke! For scenario 1 I would go with answer A. I want to be able to control which roomtype is the one that gets overbooked, as we can always upgrade guests when necessary but not downgrade. For scenario 2 I would go with answer B for the same reasons.

Hi! Seconding Kayleigh’s response, that would be how I would prefer the overbookings handled as well.

yes sign us up please @machefert in Paris

Hi @Kayleigh and @jenluu ,

My apologies in the delay on getting back to you on the above, I have been out of office for a few days 😊

Thank you so much for your input! We will soon reach out to you to discuss progress on the design of house level overbooking 😇

Warmest Nienke


Hi @amunoz ,

Great to connect with you on this topic! I will include you in the upcoming stages of discovery if you would be interested in that and add the property to the future beta properties (not yet in progress). 

Thank you for your interest 🙏

Warmest regards,


Hi @Kayleigh , @smehia , @Svenja , @wahiba , @Linus.Bihn , @mauritsbots , @Femke , @Martijn Coolen Slow Traveling , @jenluu , @amunoz, and others!

I hope you’re all doing great :)

We’ve been busy working on how House level overbooking can be integrated into Mews, and we’re pleased to share with you a short interactive prototype.

We’d love to get your feedback!

Thanks once again for your interest in this topic, and we hope to keep you updated with our progress.


@tom.horner All set - very excited for this update!

Hi! I would love to complete the protoype; but after the first few questions the page hangs and I am unable to continue. Tried several times, but unfortunately it does not fix itself.

Hi! I would love to complete the protoype; but after the first few questions the page hangs and I am unable to continue. Tried several times, but unfortunately it does not fix itself.

Ah sorry to hear that @Kayleigh 🙁

I just tested the link and I’m experiencing the same issue.

It did however load for me if I opened the link in a new private browsing window and then once I got to the task, I let it load for 2 minutes. After that it worked ok.

Sorry about this! I think the platform we are using must be currently experiencing some issues.

If this still persists however we may be able to create a new link in the hope it helps to resolve this.

Thanks, Tom

Thanks Tom! I was now able to complete the test :)

Hi @Kayleigh , @smehia , @Svenja , @wahiba , @Linus.Bihn , @mauritsbots , @Femke , @Martijn Coolen Slow Traveling , @jenluu , @amunoz, and others!

Hope you are all doing well 😁

We are getting extremely close to the final bits of polishing to get House Level Overbooking ready for development. However, we do have a couple last questions we would like to further discuss with you before we do start. 

Would you be available for a 30-minute call with us next week perhaps? In this call we will share with you the design and ask some further questions with regards to it. 

Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Warmest regards,




I will be availble on 20/08 after my return from holiday 


