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Mews has been working on optimizing the corporate segment for the past 18 months, and our biggest improvement to date is about to be released.

Enroll to this beta to be the first to capitalize on: Company as an account receivable for bills.


Moving the charge directly to the company profile will offer you great advantages:

- No more unaccounted corporate bills: by streamlining the receivables process and consolidating all bills in the company profile, no corporate bills will remain forgotten.

- Simplified accounting: remove the administrative burden of managing a PayMaster on top of company profiles.

- Reduce credit risk: instead of extracting several reports to know the amount of all bills linked to a company, setup a credit limit directly in the company profile.

- Improve cash flow: by routing receivable items directly to company profiles, you can validate and send the bill directly to the company.

- Increase efficiency and guest experience: guests who are staying with a rate paid by a company won't be asked to add their credit card at check-in.


Are you interested to learn more about Company as owner of the bill? Post in the thread below to show your interest and  join our beta tester group and start sharing feedback while streamlining your corporate segment process.

If you’re interested in more beta programs that Mews is running, join this group to be kept up to date and put yourself forward.

Hello Mathias,

Please note, that sometimes informations dessepear from the “Comapny Dashboard screen”

This morning we had guest leaving, and their bills where posted onto Cie => Kontroll Technik

As trhe guest paid separatytly, it keeps a little bit strange to activate payemlent on guest, and provide closed invoice on Cie, but so for it was OK.

Later during the day, I show my assistant hwo it works and where to find invoice on Cie profile.

Surfing between different tabs, we remarks that, once you hit the tab ‘’Invoicing = Facturation’’ in French, the previously invoices listed under gthe TAB ‘Dashboard’, dissepear.

You need to refersh the screen to retrieve your invoices. 

Morning Mathias,

we have noticed that the dashboard of the company profile keeps “losing” the paid bills. you need to refresh the page for them to show up again. bit annoying.

also, even when you have posted payment, it doesn’t seem to show up on the payment tab like it would do on the PM or customer profile. is this normal?

having already worked with PMs, is there a way to move all payments and other data over to the company profile now. if not, we will need to keep the PMs in place to be able to track past paid invoices.


Great feedback @Mike, @Simone thanks. 
It seems that we have a “disappearing” problem and will check wit the team to make sure it s more stable. 

Not sure for payment, I will also double check with the team and re confirm. 

Regarding PayMaster, not yet. You would have to move it manually for the on going PM, we ll develop a merge functionality between PM (guest profile) and company profile later this year.   


@coudert.mathias please also activate for YUST ! 

looking forward to it!

@coudert.mathias we love to test this for our YAYS Amsterdam Docklands location. 

Hi Matthias, hope you’ll have a good day today. :)

Personnal opinion concerning remark of Simone about payments.

This is normal that paymenet are not shown under tab ‘Payments Tab’ in company’s profile, as the paymenet is always assiociated with Who is making the payment.

However actually when an invoice is ‘BTC’, you can only pay : CASH or OTHER Payement (see list programmed list). What about ‘Credi Card’ for Company or ‘Virtual Credit Card of OTA’s ? It would be more logical to be able to have other payement option (like individual) for Companies.

Next to that comments, 3 other questions concerning the ‘BTC’

  1. I believe most of user (when BTC is necessary) are working following these steps :
    1. Once stay is fininsh, they send ‘OPEN INVOICE’, to company.  So the company can check the ‘Open invoice’, and if OK , pays it.
    2. When payement occurs, they close and send the CLOSED and final Invoice to the company. 
      1. The problem here is with the NUMBERING of the ‘Open Invoice’.
      2. Each time we, have to view ‘Open Invoice’ or resend an ‘Open Invoice’ to a company, because they need a second copy, or they loose the first mail, or any other reason, the number is been change (increase by at least 1). (The same ‘problem’ occur with individual guest but we can live with this). However for Company billing it’s diffrent. Sometime you send may be to a wrong adress mail, and you need to resend. And finally the person in charge for payment is very confused with all the different number they receive for the same services. Very often, they make dubbel payement that we need to return as we send confusing infirmation
  1. What about, reminder option ?
    1. When we send a ‘Open Invoice’ or ‘Invoice’, it would be very helpfull if we would be able to have as ‘Bottom page’ or ‘page footer’ some resume of the ‘general sales conditions. We can use therefore the ‘E§mails template - Invoices send, but it would be nice to have a diffrent for ‘Open Invoice’ and 1 for ‘Invoice’
    2. If an ‘open invoice’ is not being paid in time (see general sales conditions), it is necessary to send a remind to the company. This one can be automatic, or manual, but we need to be able to send something (may be other then : ‘general request payment’, or make that one available in the company profile.
    3. Sometimes it is necessary to send more then 1 reminder …  
  1. What about account statement ? 
    1. For sure you know what it is… And you are intending to have this option in the futur of Company profile. But just to make sure you don’t forget it .
    2. SO a simple list, printable as well or ready to send to company accountant manager to tell him what is the status of the Company account in the property’s book, showing :
      1. List of all Open invoices
      2. List of Open Invoices due to paid
      3. Resume of debit at the time of print out of sending the infos.

Still loving improvements made. :)

Hi Mathias,

just to let you know that being able to add (v)cc details for companies is one of the crucial factors for us.

i am currently dealing with Agoda and Hotelbeds and am only able to process the vcc payments on the guest profiles.

for hotelbeds they pay a month after departure so all that time the invoice remains open on the guest profile. 

for agoda, you will receive one payment to cover multiple bookings and you can only charge the card once (!), so it is vital that you are able to move all relevant invoices to the company or PM to allow you to post the payment.



Hi Mathias,

we have noticed an issue with our vouchers. we use these a lot not necessarily for companies, but in general to allow us to pick the right rate category (corporate A, corporate B, negotiated… etc).

so these vouchers are linked to rates, not companies, yet they don’t show up anymore when you select them at reservation stage.

i have the feeling this is linked with the company billing (could be coincidence though), so perhaps you would be able to look into this for us?



Hi Mathias,

I realise the new company invoicing is meant to be used by transferring all charges to the company and from their billing page creating the invoice. 

Today I was intending to email the company a pro-forma invoice from the guest’s profile as they required to see the full charges for the total stay (3 months). Where before you were able to do so by allocating the open bill to the company, when you would do this currently it will show the address details of the guest (as they are still the owner). This would be in breach of GDPR, I would imagine. 

As mentioned in my earlier feedback, it would be really helpful if we would still be able to assign open bills on the guest billing page to the company (especially when you think of the likes of Expedia collect, Hotelbeds, etc).

I think I have mentioned this before, but as we have one company implant paying us by credit card, we really require the option to add cc details to the company profile and settle invoices by cc. You currently have cash as an option (or at least on our system), which for us is totally unnecessary considering bank transfers and cc are the prefered settlement options.



Hi Mathias,

we have noticed an issue with our vouchers. we use these a lot not necessarily for companies, but in general to allow us to pick the right rate category (corporate A, corporate B, negotiated… etc).

so these vouchers are linked to rates, not companies, yet they don’t show up anymore when you select them at reservation stage.

i have the feeling this is linked with the company billing (could be coincidence though), so perhaps you would be able to look into this for us?



Hi @Simone ,


We’ve noticed the same over the past few days.

@coudert.mathias could this be related?

Thanks I will contact you both to get more details on this.  

Hi Mathias, 

I think it was mentioned before, but we would still like to have possibility of issuing an invoice directly from guest’s reservation (once company is assigned to the bill). Right now we can only issue proforma invoice. This creates additional step when we just need invoice issued from guest’s reservation(which is the case most of the time).

New function is definitely very useful for group bookings or no need for creating paymaster accounts;-) 


@coudert.mathias works really amazing at YUST for the moment!

can you please also add Chateau De Mirwart (12980) to the Beta program? 


Hi Mathias,

the voucher situation is really starting to cause us problems for the long stays.

i have noticed that only public rates are showing despite voucher codes being added. this means we have to change the rate manually and that causes issues in case bookings extend - you would have to change the rate manually for each and every day and for us that can easily be 60 nights!

also, the cancellation policies are different

this morning we weren’t able to make a booking for a cot as those rates are set as private (and have to stay private)

thanks for looking into this with some urgency



Hi Mathias,

the voucher situation is really starting to cause us problems for the long stays.

i have noticed that only public rates are showing despite voucher codes being added. this means we have to change the rate manually and that causes issues in case bookings extend - you would have to change the rate manually for each and every day and for us that can easily be 60 nights!

also, the cancellation policies are different

this morning we weren’t able to make a booking for a cot as those rates are set as private (and have to stay private)

thanks for looking into this with some urgency



Hi Simone,

As from the latest update you cannot put in the new reservation screen both a public voucher and a company name, as that is giving 2 contradictory information to the system.

It has been reported to our technical team and they are working on a solution but, at the moment, I would suggest creating a reservation with the public voucher, then, once the reservation is created, add the company to it.

Hope this helps, 




Thanks Coline,

perhaps i should rephrase it… none (!) of the vouchers work, no matter if a company has been added or not.

this morning i tried ours for a cot - that has no company attached to it, just private rates. the only rates showing up at all times are public ones.



Thanks Coline,

perhaps i should rephrase it… none (!) of the vouchers work, no matter if a company has been added or not.

this morning i tried ours for a cot - that has no company attached to it, just private rates. the only rates showing up at all times are public ones.


Hi @Simone,

I just wanted the resolution to be here in case someone finds your question. If you create an add-on of a reservation, the company might be pre-filled from your original reservation in which case you have to delete it from the company field so the public voucher works.


Hey peeps, just a quick questions @coudert.mathias - was this released to all properties? Somehow all of our hotels are having company billing active. 

However, there were no release notes. 

Is anybody else facing the same ? 

@coudert.mathias can you please also add Chateaux De Mirwart to the company billing beta? 
(id : 12980)
THanks !!!!


Hi Mathias,

just wondering if you have an update on when we may expect the credit card payments to be added to a company so we can use this to pay off the invoices. Especially Agoda we use this for as they pay several invoices / stay on one vcc. We now have to use the PM for this and as it is our busy tourist / OTA booking seasons, we really could do with having this sorted.



Thanks @ClaudiaM. for our meeting, feel free to contact me if there is another question. 
@DirkVanGompel I will double check with our team, it should be done by the end of this week. 
@Simone, I am also checking with our payment team. Unfortunately I don t think it will happen before the summer start sorry. 


Hello Coudert!
nice to e-meeting you!

We would like to join this beta program with all our hotel! Should I send you a DM?

Have a lovely day!

Especially the ability to see the invoices in the company profiles will help!

Dear reader,

I would like to apply for this beta program with both our hotels.

Kind regards,


Bart van der Sterren

Interested in the beta as well for all hotels in Rastelli Groep :-)

