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Join the Beta: Balance and Guest ledger in Mews Analytics

We’re excited to announce a set of changes in the financial reports in Mews Analytics. We want to share this opportunity to join the Beta for our new upgraded Balance and Guest report in Analytics. Now, the Deposits and prepayments are more traceable, and the Guest expenses and debt are unified in a single report.



This evolution is continuing the efforts to improve the financial ledgers (as we did recently in the aging report)

Balance report:   

  • Monitor the cashflow for future reservations (Deposits and prepayments)
  • Direct access to bills 
  • Export all the data from a single table 

Guest ledger:  

  • Amount owed and received by guests in house 
  • Easy filters and improved UI 
  • Export all from a single table 

How can I access these new reports? 


This beta is only available for properties or multiproperties with the Analytics add-on enabled.


If you have Analytics add-on and wants to be included: 

  1. Reply to this thread with the property you’d like added to this beta 
  1. We’ll enable the new dashboard in your Analytics area 
  1. In 24h, you´ll have access to it.  


And that´s it! Please share any feedback you have in the comments too,

Thanks a lot! 

25 replies

Userlevel 3



I will be pleased to participate to- join the Beta: Balance and Guest ledger in Mews Analytics for hotel Maison Albar le champs Elysees 





Userlevel 2

Morning Vanesa,

We would like to participate with the please.



Liberty Wharf Apartments

Userlevel 5

Please sign us to the beta !

happy to try this. Guest and company balances are something we wind up manually calculating :/

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hello @vanesa 

We would be pleased to  join the Beta: Balance and Guest ledger in Mews.

Hotel St Pol Belgium

Userlevel 2

HI Would love to be part of the beta. Please add Locale South Congress. Thank you!

Hello Vanesa, 

we would like to be part of the Beta: Balance and Guest ledger in Mews Analytics
Schlosshotel Kronberg and Hotel Ole Liese 

Thank You 

Hello Vanesa, 

we would like to be part of the Beta: Balance and Guest ledger in Mews Analytics
Créole Beach Hôtel & Spa



Userlevel 3

Hello Vanesa,


Please add our properties into this Beta!

all day place shibuya

SOKI Kanazawa

SOKI Atami



Genki Takahashi

Userlevel 3

Thank you all! 🙌

We don´t need more volunteers. We´ll give access to all that requested it but we will not include any other property.


Once we give you access, you´ll see the new reports under the Analytics section, please comment here with your feedback


Userlevel 1

Please activate this to my property Song Hotel Sydney. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @vanesa

I see you've closed your request, however we'd be very very keen to see what you've done, if you coud include YHA Australia it would be very mich appreciated.

Userlevel 3

Hi all!

Hope you had the opportunity to check the new ledgers.

Some questions to open up the discussion:

  • Did you have any problem understanding the concepts and the ledgers?
  • Did this new ledgers helping you to reduce time in getting the info?
  • Any other concerns or doubts?

If anyone is available for a conversation, very glad to get your feedback directly too. Thanks!


@Mick YHA Australia Portfolio?

@RaziMews ok! 

@Ethros We´ve seen that you don´t have Analytics enabled so we can´t gave you access.

@barb00sa we didn´t find your property. Can you give me the name that appears in Mews. thanks!

Userlevel 4
Badge +1


@barb00sa we didn´t find your property. Can you give me the name that appears in Mews. thanks!


@vanesa this should be : “Auberge St Pol BV”


Userlevel 1

Hi @vanesa 

Thank you for following up on this. Unfortunately, I can’t see Balance and Guest report in MEWS Analytics. Could you please help. Thanks 

Userlevel 3

Hi @vanesa 

Is the beta going to be shown as a new analytics entirely or is it going to be under the ledger analytics?


Our properties are

all day place shibuya



Userlevel 3


Sorry for not showing you the location!


Those with access should see these items: “deposit ledger” and “guest ledger”, as separate reports


Userlevel 3

We had 2 interviews with some of you.

  • Both are glad with the updates. the new version looks good for them.
  • Our main learning is that we need to increase the time frames, as many of you are not using them only in a daily basis
  • We are going to update the guide so you can easily migrate from the current version to the new one
  • and one of them understood better the concept of the guest ledger, when we explain to them that is was a report for the Guest In-house ledger (in between the check-in and the checkout. This means that if a deposit or a prepayment is pending and the accommodation is over, it will be included back into the deposit ledger. or if it is a no-show, it will be included in the deposit ledger too)


Any comments or suggestion about his or other topics? do you have any other topic to discuss? 


More than happy to help you or to chat about them with you,



Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @vanesa

We love the idea of this report it will really help seperate the noise in the accounting ledger and make it more manageable, however we do have some feedback.

  1. The URL is linking to demo and not production. See screenshot below
  2. The data is not current, Can we force a refresh? We’re looking at the report 11:30am AEST on the 14th of September and the data was last refreshed 3:10am on the 13/9/2023. That is approx 22.5 hours since refresh, in which case we would be checking accounts which have probably been actioned.
  3. No shows, i would think they would be better placed on this ledger opposed to the deposit ledger. 
  4. Can the check-in/check-out dates be added to this view? Our accounts team would find this very helpful as they could view our entire group and we could sort by date & export to excel to filter by date. The older the owing, the more risk that we won’t receive that payment.



Userlevel 1


Have just seen this on the release notes and would really be interested in this functionality as we currently do our own PowerBi reporting to manage the ledger, can see the reports on MEWS Analytics but cant see any data as yet, do we need to request to get it to populate?


Userlevel 3


We had some problems with the data updates but we have solved them (or at least, we hope so!). And the links are already working @Mick 

@Louise Bown have you already seen the data? if it appears fully empty maybe you need to select the Enterprise in the top filter, please check again. You should be able to see the data. if you still don´t, please ping me again.


Regarding your suggestions, Mick:

  • no shows: makes sense!
  • debt management: the main objective would be to have an overview of the unpaid invoices? have you checked the Aging report? or I didn´t understand your need or it may suit you better


Hope that everything is ok for now and that these reports improve your current operations,

thanks for the feedback!


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Thank you @vanesa, can confirm the URL are working correctly now.

Could you clarify what you meant by resolving the data updates? I noticed that the last refresh occurred at around 6AM AEST today, which is approximately 4 hours ago. This is a significant improvement from the 22+-hour gap we had earlier. What is the current schedule for data refreshes? Additionally, is there an option to manually initiate a data refresh? For example, after we've made adjustments to the guest ledger, could we trigger an immediate refresh to view the updated information?

As for the topic of no-shows, it's great to hear that it makes sense, do you plan to add this status to the Guest Ledger?

On the subject of date inclusion, our accounts team would like to sort and filter the guest ledger based on the oldest entries. Currently, the 'Days until checkout' is displayed for in-house reservations. However, once a guest has checked out, there's no way to determine the age. Since you're likely using the checkout dates to calculate 'Days until checkout,' could you also include a column that allows us to see how old each entry is?

We've previously examined the aging report and faced some challenges with it. Has there been any work done on this report, or are there plans to do so in the near future?

Userlevel 3

Hi again! We discovered a problem with the data refreshes and this time we do think it´s solve.


Sorry for the inconveniences!!


Answering to your questions, @Mick:

  • manual refreshes: we don´t have the possibility to do manual refreshes and we will not have it short term as we need to synchronise several data sources, sorry.
  • no shows: also, the benefit vs the effort that we need to do in order to change the ledger is high, so we will not include this improvement in the short term. But we will take this as a very good insights for mid term. 
  • Regarding adding a new column and the aging ledger: we have already closed this initiative (we have the beta for a while and we need to work on our next challenge) so we are not planning any further evolution for now.  Also, the aging report it´s the one that is designed for the information AFTER the checkout, to control the unpaid invoices. 


As it was recently updated, we are not planning on more updates in the short term. It was updated this January (it was prior I entered Mews but I think that´s the correct time). I would suggest to check it again. For example, in the table you can order bills in the table and filter them in the lateral area too so I think that Accounts  might have the information there


Any feedback on that report is also welcome! Not only us, Mews Finance team are  always evolving the product and as we know it´s critical for your daily operations,

Hope this helps! thanks for all your feedback!


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @vanesa

Glad you worked out the data refresh issue, hopefully you and the team can take the feedback & look to improve the product even turther in the future for the customers who use it. 

Hi @vanesa


we would like to participate too.


Thanks and best, 



Userlevel 3

Hi @anabelmalcher 

This beta is already closed, but I shared your message with the Finance team. In case they need more beta testers they will reach you out.


