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Digitalise the breakfast list

Hello Mews Community, we are working on removing the need to print out multiple pages of in house guests everyday so that your F&B team can manually confirm who has consumed breakfast.Our goal is to ensure that your teams no longer have to search for guests names and room numbers through multiple sheets of paper. We aim to achieve this but not only digitalising the breakfast list, but making it flexible enough that you can use it for any product or service where you’d like to understand how many people have consumed items and when.What are the benefits?

  1. Go green - Remove the need to print out reports for meals up to 3 times a day.
  2. Customise your experience - Mobile, Tablet and PC web versions mean that your teams can work on any device at any time allowing your to create the service experience that works for your property.
  3. Capture valuable data - understand when your restaurants or selected services are at their busiest.
  4. Minimise food costs - gain a greater understanding of consumed meals to reduce food waste.
  5. Save time - no more shuffling through sheets of paper, search by guest name or room number from your selected device.

How can you help?

  1. Quick survey - answer this 10 minute survey for a first glance at the new report and to help us gather a few insights.
  2. Beta - we’ll be releasing multiple iterations of the beta before the final release. If you’d like to join Beta, please reply to this thread with the property you’d like to try this out on.

If you have any questions, please let us know in the thread below.

88 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey Aldair,

We also have the issue of needing to double click to claim/unclaim 🙂


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Thanks @mauritsbots, I’ve responded to your DM. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@Sam thanks for sharing the feedback on the claiming issue. It’s been resolved in demo, we are reviewing the production release for beta testers as you may have an older version of the release active.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Sam  we have now resolved the double click to claim issue. Please let me know if you encounter this again. Or have any other issues.

Userlevel 4

Hey Aldair,

What user privileges will give access just to the product checklist and claim/unclaim functions? 

We need to limit privileges to only those that are required. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Sam  we don’t currently have privileges to limit the ability t claim / unclaim. Would you mind sharing which cases you’d like to limit your team from performing this action and why?

Userlevel 4

Hi Aldair,

We are giving the product list to our F&B team, ideally we do not give them full access to Mews, they would just have enough permissions to access and use the product checklist. 


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Sam  thank you for the additional details. I do have a few more questions about exactly what actions you would like the F&B team to be able to perform in this case. If you have availability early next week. I would love to run a few more points by you. I will send over a few time slots via DM.

Hi @Aldair Borges , I have been looking forward for this release. Can you enable the beta for Rosa Hotel, please? Thanks a lot.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Dear Community,

I hope you're all doing well! 😊

After launching our Product Checklist, we're dedicated to enhancing it based on your valuable feedback. Our proposed improvements include features such as saved filtering options, bulk actions and more.

We'd greatly appreciate your help in testing the interactive prototype and answering a few questions. It should only take around 4-7 minutes of your time.

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to leave them at the end of the prototype when prompted, or you can share them here. If you'd like us to follow up directly, please also leave your name and/or contact details.

Thank you for your time! 😊


Hi @Aldair Borges, can we please add our room2 Belfast property to the beta group? Many thanks

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

We are in for the testing !
Looking forward trying this new feature out !


Auberge St Pol BV

Userlevel 2

Hi @Aldair Borges ,

is it already possible to test the new prototype in live or demo environment?
