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Digitalise the breakfast list

Hello Mews Community, we are working on removing the need to print out multiple pages of in house guests everyday so that your F&B team can manually confirm who has consumed breakfast.Our goal is to ensure that your teams no longer have to search for guests names and room numbers through multiple sheets of paper. We aim to achieve this but not only digitalising the breakfast list, but making it flexible enough that you can use it for any product or service where you’d like to understand how many people have consumed items and when.What are the benefits?

  1. Go green - Remove the need to print out reports for meals up to 3 times a day.
  2. Customise your experience - Mobile, Tablet and PC web versions mean that your teams can work on any device at any time allowing your to create the service experience that works for your property.
  3. Capture valuable data - understand when your restaurants or selected services are at their busiest.
  4. Minimise food costs - gain a greater understanding of consumed meals to reduce food waste.
  5. Save time - no more shuffling through sheets of paper, search by guest name or room number from your selected device.

How can you help?

  1. Quick survey - answer this 10 minute survey for a first glance at the new report and to help us gather a few insights.
  2. Beta - we’ll be releasing multiple iterations of the beta before the final release. If you’d like to join Beta, please reply to this thread with the property you’d like to try this out on.

If you have any questions, please let us know in the thread below.

88 replies

Userlevel 5
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Good afternoon @Aldair Borges 

Thanks for the updates.

We’ve done some more tests and the added functionalities seem to work now.

However, for some reason, certain rooms are now mentioned twice in the report. I’ll email you with some screenshots.

Furthermore, we would like to excluded certain spaces as our parking spots are now also mentioned in the report.


An update on the above:

  • The case with multiple rooms appearing has been resolved.
  • Saving filters is something that we are currently considering. To improve daily workflows. For now, we recommend selecting your preferred filters and either bookmark them for the report, or save the url In your custom links which will provide you with a direct link to the report from the burger menu. You can create a custom link by copying the Url with your preferred filters set open the burger menu  Settings -> Property -> Custom link (found on the left hand side) -> create a new custom link and name it “Breakfast report”. The same can be done for linch, dinner etc as you prefer.


Userlevel 5
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@Aldair Borges am i the only one having trouble opening the product checklist? (in both Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam and WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn)

Userlevel 6
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@Aldair Borges am i the only one having trouble opening the product checklist? (in both Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam and WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn)

We have the same issue since yesterday. The list is only accessible after 10 minutes of loading.

Userlevel 5
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Hello @mauritsbots @MatthiasH , thank you for sharing your feedback. we’ve recently published some updates to the filters in the product checklist which may be affecting load times. My team is currently investigating this case, I will keep you posted on any changes.

Userlevel 5
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Hi @mauritsbots , @MatthiasH a fix for the performance issues is in progress and will be published at the start of next week.


Userlevel 5
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Hi @mauritsbots , @MatthiasH a fix for the performance issues is in progress and will be published at the start of next week.


@Aldair Borges, when is this update coming as I now see a ‘coming soon’ message with re to this feature but it is in its current form unworkable?!

Userlevel 5
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@mauritsbots  thank you for sharing your honest feedback. We will not release the report until the issues with load times have been resolved and released to your live environments.

I will post an update this afternoon containing of the additional improvements that we have completed and will release with the performance improvements, including a recorded overview of changes we have made.

Userlevel 5
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Product checklist global release announcement

Hello everyone, we are very happy to announce the latest updates to the product checklist. Thank you to all those that have shared their feedback to help us get this feature production ready!


Release date: 4th January 2024


Latest updates

  • Performance issues - these have now been resolved. If you encounter any issues please do let us know.
  • Claim per person - now you claim products per person, including claiming for adults & children
  • Add products per person - you can now add products per person, and from additional services. This includes adding products for walk-ins and guests without reservations. Expanding the ability of the report to continue doing beyond just breakfast
  • Select the consumption date of a product - It is now possible to adjust the consumption date of a product directly from the product checklist 
  • Responsive header - the statistic report now responds to updates set in the filters
  • Per night products - resolved a bug where per person per night products were not appearing on the last day of the stay


Coming soon

  • Improved support for tablets - Providing more screen real estate for tablets and mobile devices to improve the search and claiming experience.


Future functionality under investigation

  • Hiding the notes column
  • Identifying guests preferences & allergies
  • Identify the first & last date of stay
  • Book tables for guests based on Occupancy
Userlevel 5
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hi Aldair, how come that the number of items is not corresponding to the number of guests? 

eg WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn - we have 2 guests having breakfast tomorrow (dec 22nd) in room 532 however on the checklist there is only 1 listed?

Userlevel 5
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Hi @mauritsbots  it looks like, the room has been split into 2 rows in the report. My team will look into this asap. It should be a easy fix. Thanks for picking this up.

Userlevel 4
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Please can you add “Auberge St Pol BV”on the beta testing please.


Userlevel 2

Hello, please add the “Hotel Andante Rust” also to the beta testing. thanks :)

Userlevel 5
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@Aldair Borges it does not seem to function still? we have multiple reservations where 2 or more guests are listed however breakfast is only counted once or twice?

eg Strandhotel Seeduyn, 27th December. Room 142 has 5 occupants, however only 2 breakfast where there is definately 5 breakfasts booked in items. 


Userlevel 5
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Hi @mauritsbots I’ve activated a feature flag for product posting in your live environment. Please note the changes may only apply to new products added to reservations. 

Userlevel 5
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@andante , thank you for the request. The Product checklist has been added to Hotel Andante Rust as a beat tester.

@barb00sa  thank you for your request. The Product checklist has been added to Auberge St Pol BV as a beta tester.

We look forward to hearing feedback from you both :) 


Userlevel 2

Hi Aldair, 
thanks for activation. I checked it already and have some hints:


  1. I added breakfast for 4 adults in room 104 and in room 105 for 2 adults and 1 child. But as you can see in the screenshot, it shows me 1 or 2 and not the real amount of persons. I added the breakfast on per person/night base.
  2. The hint is only shown when clicking on it. Would be great, if there is a textfield that is exclusivly for this function as we add several information in the generic note field that is not relevant for the breakfast staff.
  3. When I reload the page, the filters are resetted. Would be cool if the last selection is stored.



Userlevel 1



We have the same issue as described by other users in previous posts.

There is a discrepancy in the total count of breakfast products compared to the data shown in the product checklist. Specifically, the number of breakfasts booked does not match the figures displayed in the system. For instance, we may have a reservation for a room with multiple occupants, all of whom have breakfast included, but the system only counts a fraction of the breakfasts actually booked.

If you compare the “product list” with the new checklist no figures match on any days.

Best regards,

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

hi @Aldair Borges we are now experiencing (Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam) the fact that 

  1. multiple guests still only count as 1 breakfast (room 203 eg is 2 guests however only (blue circle) 0/1 breakfast)
  2. when clicking the tickbox (red circle) it does not accept it, you need to click it twice to turn green. to reverse an error ticking the box, you need to tick it twice to ‘ungreen’ it
Userlevel 5
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@tminder  @andante , thank you for your feedback. We have identified this issue and are currently working on a solution for it. I will let you know once the solution has been released.

@mauritsbots thank you for your continued feedback.
1. Thank you for sharing this, it seems the last fix did not resolve this. We will look at combining the next fix with the updates request by @tminder  & @andante  as they have a similar core bug with products appearing.
2. For your ticking use case, are you using a tablet or browser on a computer? If so, would you be able to let me know which browser this issue is occurring on?

Userlevel 5
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@tminder  @andante , thank you for your feedback. We have identified this issue and are currently working on a solution for it. I will let you know once the solution has been released.

@mauritsbots thank you for your continued feedback.
1. Thank you for sharing this, it seems the last fix did not resolve this. We will look at combining the next fix with the updates request by @tminder  & @andante  as they have a similar core bug with products appearing.
2. For your ticking use case, are you using a tablet or browser on a computer? If so, would you be able to let me know which browser this issue is occurring on?

hi Aldair

the ticking issue occurs on all devices we are using:

Chrome on desktop (PC, win 11 pro) as well as

Chrome on Android (Samsung Tab s6, android 13) as well as

Safari on iPhone (12, ios17.1.2) as well as

Chrome on iPhone (12, ios 17.1.2)



Userlevel 5
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@mauritsbots I’m not able to recreate the issues you’ve shared above. Would you have some time tomorrow afternoon to run through the cases on a call with me? If so please may you DM me your preferred times. 

Userlevel 5
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@mauritsbots I’m not able to recreate the issues you’ve shared above. Would you have some time tomorrow afternoon to run through the cases on a call with me? If so please may you DM me your preferred times. 

hi Aldair

am in meeting all day yesterday and today. how is your avail next week wed/thu

Userlevel 5
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Good afternoon all,


I would like to inform you that we have resolve the following issues with the Product Checklist:

  • Double clicking to claim a product
  • multiple guests still only count as 1 breakfast


Items that require additional updates & investigations:

  • Resolving mobile scrolling and experience for filters.
Userlevel 5
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@mauritsbots  the bug that you have reported is resolved now. Please let me know if there are any other issues you encounter.

Userlevel 5
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@mauritsbots  the bug that you have reported is resolved now. Please let me know if there are any other issues you encounter.

@Aldair Borges see DM, found what seems another bug?
