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Beta program: New Global Search

Based on our Mewsers’ feedback, our engineers have been working on a new search experience that’s aimed at making your life a lot easier.

With a new and improved interface, the new search allows you to quickly identify which one of the results is what you are looking for, as well as search for reservations by companion names, partial matches and a more intelligent sorting of results by those who have been or will be at the hotel closest to today. 


How does it work?

Just like today - but better! The search bar is slightly larger and the interface has been improved.

The new experience is expected to do everything that exists today plus:

  •  Search reservations also by companions!
  •  Get searching quickly from anywhere via a new keyboard shortcut (Alt+F on Windows | Option+F on Mac)
  • More information on the results, allowing you to pick the right one
    •  Guests will show their email, reservations will show guest name and dates... so that the user is much more likely to click on the correct one!
  • Save favorites (per user) - a great opportunity to pin your commonly searched terms, top accounts, and Mews pages
  • Partial matches, case and accent insensitive
    • You can now search by partial matches of first names, surnames, 3rd party booking IDs, emails and phone numbers!
      • You can now search for “jose”, and “José Silva” will also show in the results!
      • Phone formatting works in every way: +, spaces, ( ) ... it doesn't matter. You type it, we find it!
  • In-house guests will appear above others; and the rest will follow a sequence of most-to-least likely to be useful to you based on stay dates, reservation statuses, and guest attributes (status/number of returns)
  • Search by travel agencies, contracts, availability blocks...


How can I get started?

  • Reply to this thread with the property name (and if it's either in demo, or live) you’d like added to this beta! The new search will be enabled to Beta pilots mid-March.

Please ask any questions or share any feedback you have below. Happy Searching!

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132 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @ettore.zotarelli 

Could you please enable this new search bar in Visit Inari - Hotel Inari & Holiday Village Inari - property? 

Thanks in advance!

Br, Linda 

Hi Linda! Added! Happy searching!

The search bar is super slow, is it normal in the beta-testing phase? 



Hi Linda,

It definitely should not be. In fact the new search should be 2x faster than before. I asked the team to investigate what is happening and will get back to you asap.

Thanks for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi everyone, there was a temporary performance degradation that made the search slower than expected, but it all should be back normal now. Thank you @Linda Ohlson for reporting and I apologize for the inconvenience. 💙

Userlevel 1


Please add Stadium Hotel - Demo

Userlevel 4
Badge +1


Please add Stadium Hotel - Demo

Hi @JulioDiaz ! All demo accounts have the new search enabled already since April 24th 🚀
If you would like to enable for any live accounts, do let me know!



Userlevel 1


Please add Stadium Hotel - Demo

Hi @JulioDiaz ! All demo accounts have the new search enabled already since April 24th 🚀
If you would like to enable for any live accounts, do let me know!



Hi Ettore,

Please add it to the live enviroment

Userlevel 4
Badge +1


Please add Stadium Hotel - Demo

Hi @JulioDiaz ! All demo accounts have the new search enabled already since April 24th 🚀
If you would like to enable for any live accounts, do let me know!



Hi Ettore,

Please add it to the live enviroment

Awesome! All done. Please refresh your page and it will be there. Cheers!

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @ettore.zotarelli

The upgraded search is a great improvement on the old search, I am enjoying it and am sure our teams will too.

Do you have a planned release date to production? 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @ettore.zotarelli

The upgraded search is a great improvement on the old search, I am enjoying it and am sure our teams will too.

Do you have a planned release date to production? 

Hi @Mick ! Love to hear that!

We are working on the documentation and user communication needed to start the rollout to production since we are already confident that there's full feature parity with the old one.

I expect to start by next week a deployment in waves based on the properties' country - to make it easy for our support team to know who has it and who does not yet.

Already today and throughout the rollout, any volunteers on this channel can have it enabled immediately - so if you would like we can organize a set date for your properties.


There are still some optimizations that are in process of being tested and released; the most meaningful being improvements to the partial match of results. Right now, partial matches work for some entities but not others as we expand them slowly, making sure performance remains nice and snappy. For example, today you can search for a guest based on the last few digits of their phone number, but this is not the case (yet) for confirmation numbers or travel agent confirmations - it will happen, likely this week!
We are also working on accepting both forms of some special characters commonly used in German and nordic languages such as ä = ae; right now we already accept all forms of single-digit special characters: n = ñ, a = ã etc.

All the upcoming improvements go towards making sure the results shown are indeed the most likely records that the user is looking for, even if the names were typed slightly differently.



It works really well, the teams are delighted with this new functionality !
Could you activate the new search bar for the entire Valdys channel ?


Userlevel 4
Badge +1


It works really well, the teams are delighted with this new functionality !
Could you activate the new search bar for the entire Valdys channel ?


Love to hear that! It's enabled for the other 3 hotels! 🚀

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Hi @ettore.zotarelli ,


could you please enable this feature for our other properties?

Do you have any updates in the Block search functionality?



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @ettore.zotarelli ,


could you please enable this feature for our other properties?

Do you have any updates in the Block search functionality?



Hi Linus! It's my pleasure - all 8 properties are now enabled!

I'm gonna break the cardinal rule of software development and say that search of blocks by name and number is (hopefully) coming between today and tomorrow. 😅 I shouldn't promise dates, but it's in the final stages of testing and deployment - together with partial search of confirmation numbers (both direct and 3rd party).


Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Sometimes we all have to break some rules and i welcome your honest comment 😃

Thanks for enabling this to all properties. Could you let me know when this feature is live with searching for blocks?


What do you mean with partial search of confirmation number? Meaning we just enter some part of it and it will lookup both Mews+External confirmatin number like 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1


Sometimes we all have to break some rules and i welcome your honest comment 😃

Thanks for enabling this to all properties. Could you let me know when this feature is live with searching for blocks?


What do you mean with partial search of confirmation number? Meaning we just enter some part of it and it will lookup both Mews+External confirmatin number like 

I will keep you posted! And yes, it means you will be able to look for confirmations from Booking with only some of its digits (e.g. last 4-5 digits will probably already bring you the result you need to the top of the list - just like it already does with phone numbers)

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Can we also search for car registration number`? Meaning that we look up registration numbers in the searchbar to find the correct guest connected.

We don't have the improved search yet, but will it allow you to search on partial last names? We are in the netherlands and we have a lot of last names starting with van and van de. Currently if you want to find those, van de kerk for example cannot be found if you search kerk, but only if you type van de. Will this be possible? So to just type kerk and find van de kerk? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Another feedback from one of our hotels:

When searching for rooms, they are not necessarily displayed chronologically. 
Several rooms are also displayed here and not necessarily only the bookings that refer to room “X”.

Userlevel 1

Live environment, The Regent Aparthotel, Cambridge! Thank you!

Live The Lakeside Manor Hotel

Userlevel 1

Could you please enable this new search bar in the Esplande Hotel Cologne (Hannig-Köhler Hotelbetriebs GmbH property? Thanks a lot in advance!


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hello @mewsmaniac , @Lakeside Manor and @Sami Citystay ! Welcome to the new search, it's enabled!


@Linus.Bihn we are studying adding car registration as one of the searchable fields to a guest record - I think it's likely to happen, but can't promise it yet. The issue with adding more entities is that searches then can return a lot more results; e.g. (and probably what your team referred to in their feedback), if you look for 202 (room number) you will also find phone numbers, confirmation numbers, emails, travel agent codes and other entity IDs that contain "202" in them. We are still fine-tuning it, one of the options is to limit search by a few criteria, such as only searching e-mails if the search contains "@". Could you please email me the details of that case you reported so I can further investigate? ([email protected])


Thanks and Happy Friday!

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

We don't have the improved search yet, but will it allow you to search on partial last names? We are in the netherlands and we have a lot of last names starting with van and van de. Currently if you want to find those, van de kerk for example cannot be found if you search kerk, but only if you type van de. Will this be possible? So to just type kerk and find van de kerk? 


Yes! You will be able to search partial names and also accept "neutral" versions of special characters like á = a.

For example: My full name is Ettore Miotto Zotarelli - sometimes I am Ettore Zotarelli, sometimes Ettore M Zotarelli… now you will be able to find me as Ettore, Miotto, Zotarelli, Zot, Ettore Z, Mio… 


Hi. Can you enable it for all properties within Leevin Group (Leevin Barcelona, Leevin Guesthouse Faro, Leevin Hostel George, and Mountjoy)? 

Thanks in advance! 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi. Can you enable it for all properties within Leevin Group (Leevin Barcelona, Leevin Guesthouse Faro, Leevin Hostel George, and Mountjoy)? 

Thanks in advance! 

Hello! All done, enjoy!

Userlevel 2

Wouldn’t mind to try it. 

Boutique Hotel The River House, Andermatt Switzerland