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Any progress/plans on splitting bills?

  • 25 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Checking the ideas platform, splitting bills is the most requested feature right now and even an pretty old one (from april 2018):

There is no official mews roadmap – at least no public one but it seems that a lot of features in the area billing were published in the last weeks or are in the work right now 🤔. I would guess that there is a team assigned that has this specific part of the application as focus right now …

@Mews Community Team is bill splitting something that is on the roadmap for the current set of billing related features and can we expect some improvements in this area anytime soon?

It would be nice if i could give my team some approximate information here, as this is one of the biggest problems and a frequent occuring one too 🙌. I am pretty sure im not alone with that 😜.

7 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi @jones.eth

thank you for the question. 

This is definitely on our radar and on our roadmap for later this year. There is however no ETA, as we have not started to work on it yet, and we don’t have the full scope of difficulty of the feature. 
Hope it helps :) 

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hey @alzbeta skrabalkova sound promising. I'll pass it on like that 👍

Userlevel 2

Hi, I am Laura, Product Manager for Finance. I wanted to add further clarity to @alzbeta skrabalkova post above, this is a topic I am currently thinking about, however it is not on the roadmap until next year but it is something we would like to tackle. Towards the end of the year we should be firming up our 2025 roadmap and we will be able to provide more certainty on this topic.

Closer to the time I will be keen to speak to users about this feature and ensure we have all the common use cases documented so if this is something you would like to get involved in please let me know.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@laura.asplin a public roadmap would be something many users would like i think 😊. It probably would even reduce some communication efforts for you here in the community because many topics are about feature requests … would be nice to know whats coming 😉.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello @jones.eth

I just sent you a DM with the product roadmap recording, at the moment we are not sharing this publicly, but I did convey your feedback to product marketing! 

Anyone else interested, please let me know an I will send you the link too! 🌺

Userlevel 3

Hello @jones.eth

I just sent you a DM with the product roadmap recording, at the moment we are not sharing this publicly, but I did convey your feedback to product marketing! 

Anyone else interested, please let me know an I will send you the link too! 🌺

@MarketaOupi Yes, please :)

Userlevel 5

Hello @jones.eth

I just sent you a DM with the product roadmap recording, at the moment we are not sharing this publicly, but I did convey your feedback to product marketing! 

Anyone else interested, please let me know an I will send you the link too! 🌺

@MarketaOupi  would love to have a look too. :) thanks in advance
