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Are you struggling with deciding which workplace privileges you should assign to which employees?

What rights would make sense to give to Housekeeping, so that they can do their job as best as possible?


In this case, I think I know how to help you.

Find a list with  recommendations and best practices on how and to whom to allocate those privileges in this article.

hi @TomD maybe you can help; as a chain we use the shared database and as such we have company profiles that are also being used throughout the company. However, when a receptionist is “not so bright’ they can easily change the profile, messing up quite some bills/invoices and with that the administrative works that follow..

Could I suggest having the workplace privilege of “Create and manage customers and companies” to be split in “Create customers and companies” and “Manage customers and companies” in order to avoid such issues? 

Hi @mauritsbots

Agree customers & companes should be their own permission, another one we find strange is Create & manage rates. We want our teams to change rates as required but not create rate plans or change configurations. 

I recently had a discussion with Mews re Multi property/SSO and i am pretty sure was advised a more granular permission set was in the works. @TomD can you confirm? 

@Mick definitely true! also having the “Create and manage customers and companies” is a must for the timeline view and search bar.. that's just difficult to explain to managers 😄

Hey @Mick & @mauritsbots ,

Thank you for your feedback.

Just quickly wanted to let you know that I forwarded this to our product team and get back to you once I received an answer. 
Thank you in advance for your patience. 
