What channel manager do you use to connect your rooms to AirBnB?

  • 13 February 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 1


We are looking in to the options of adding our rooms and apartments on AirBnB. As there is no direct MEWS marketplace plugin (like the MEWS Booking.com marketplace plugin) we will have to use a channel manager. MEWS explains how to use a channel manager and which ones work with AirBnB, but that’s about it. No advice or feature list.

So, I am looking at the channel managers (with Mews marketplace plugins) that should be able to do the job:

Not Promoted by AirBnB, but these say they have AIrBnB support (so I’m not sure what the limitations are)

  • Siteminder
  • Cubilis

Promoted by AirBnB (and has MEWS marketplace plugin)

  • Roomcloud 
  • Rentals United
  • Yieldplanet

I would like the following to work:

  • Real time update of availability
  • Tariffs and restrictions centrally managed in MEWS and pushed via channel manager to AirBnB
  • Ability to chat with AirBnB guests via MEWS chat (like Booking.com Marketplace plugin does) 

So, I would really appreciate any feedback on these channel managers. What you like. What you miss. And what the costs are.



5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi Luke,

We use Cubilis for our connection with AirBnB.
They do have a realtime synchronisation of both rates, restrictions and availability.

You can however, only map 1 rate between Cubilis and AirBnB (your standard / rack rate).

On the other hand you can update all policies, pictures, and other contact via Cubilis. With this you make sure that your property is advertised in the same way as it is with other partners. It also safes you a lot of time, as you can just select all fields you want to sync.

Furthermore they also don’t support the chat functionallity (but I believe non of the integrations do).


Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you would like to discuss this further.


Kind regards,

Userlevel 1

Thanks for your feedback Matthias, really appreciated!

What you describe sounds fine for us, so I have a video meeting set up with Cubilis this afternoon.

Will let you know how the integration works when all is configured.

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Glad to hear that I could help.


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hi @Luke

We use Siteminder and don't have any issues. The listings are created in Siteminder and push through to Airbnb although, I believe you can create in Airbnb and map too. 

I am unfamiliar with Booking.com's messages being managed in Mews and we are using the direct integration. Do you have this working?


Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Just to add, there is a feature request for having direct integration with AirBNB if you want to take a vote :) 
