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Hello, do you know if there is a report in which we can find the amount already paid by customers for future stays?

Are you referring to the accounting ledger? 

Hi @tomfullana

The accounting ledger is a probably the best option, You'll want to focus on 3 columns, Deposit Ledger, Open Prepayments & Closed Future payments. below is the Mews explanation of each column. 

  • Consumed: Date item consumption or posting on the customer bill. Note: The report displays information in this column only when you run the report in Detailed mode.
  • Closed: Date of payment and closing for that item. This column usually appears blank. Note: The report displays information in this column only when you run the report in Detailed mode.
  • Open past revenue: Items consumed but still on an open bill, for example, minibar items charged to guest accounts after their reservation ends.
  • Unpaid invoices: Issued invoices but still unsettled.
  • Open prepayments: Prepayments posted to bills that are not yet closed.
  • Closed future revenue: Items not yet consumed but already paid for and closed on the bill prior to arrival, i.e., a non-refundable accommodation payment for a guest staying in the future. Mews recommends against closing bills prior to departure date, as you are not able to change details of the booking once a bill is closed.
  • Deposit ledger: An overview of all prepayments, i.e., deposits, with no consumed revenue posted against them yet.
  • Guest ledger: An overview of all consumed revenue that is not paid for or is on a bill that still needs to be closed.
  • General ledger: A total sum of the Deposit ledger and the Guest ledger. Positive values represent the total amount of revenue due to the property. Negative values represent any amount due to the customer.

You can find the full guide here.

