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  • 10 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Who here has experienced overbooking managed by Mews, and has had to deal with their premium service? It's time to tell the truth: for the past three years, we've noticed significant shortcomings. We recently hosted a delegation from Mews at the hotel (finally), and our key account manager alone identified more than 30 areas for improvement.

Today, I am tired of watching a ping pong match between Mews and their partners, with each side always blaming the other. In the end, it's Mews that isn't doing its job properly. To all the developers: when will you wake up and create a proper PMS for us, with invoice and amount splits, amount adjustments, and a kiosk that works correctly...?

But let's get back to my overbooking problem, which has been ongoing for two weeks without a solution, neither for us hoteliers nor for the guest who has no room. This management is scandalous, and we're expected to be responsive. I am being taken for a fool, and so are the guests!

7 replies

For your information by Synxis team : 


Dear Philippe, 

I trust this email finds you well. 

Please note that, we've provided a response on this case on June 6th.
The case has been pending since then on Mews feedback. 

We remain at your disposal. 

Best regards,

Userlevel 3

Hi Philippe,

I am certain, I can't help you, but let me understand. For what reason did you receive an overbooking? Incorrect availability message to your channel manager?

We have this problem too, but fortunately in the other direction. Lower availablity is send than we really have got. The issue here is that we are losing out on revenue. Not good either.


Best regards


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@Philippe H3C yes we have had overbookings also, especially when using channelmanagers ánd direct integrations with eg If you can share more insights as to whats happening perhaps we can assist?

Dear all, 


please find the last email of Sabre : 


I trust this email finds you well. 

Here below you will find further comments on this case from sabre support team:

"The issue here seems to be with the time we received the updates for BBS. It seems that the xml that sent a 0 has creation timestamp 10:12 AM UTC, but there exists another one (attached) with positive availability that was created at 10:10 AM UTC.

If these xml's were received in the order that they were supposed to, Synxis would have processed the 0 last, making inventory for BBS 0 for these dates. The problem here seems to be that the xml with the 0 was received at 10:42 AM UTC, and the one with availability was received later, at 10:50 AM UTC. I checked internally with Tech and they were received with this delay indeed.

Such delay reversed the order in which updates should have been received, making the xml sending availability to be the last one processed. I have attached a .doc with a timeline and screenshots to make the above easier to comprehend. You can also see the xml with availability attached as well. That said, could you please check with Mews why was there a delay of 40 minutes between creation date and the date we received those xml's?
Also, may you let me know who you escalated case with? So I can follow up with them to let them know this has been actioned.

Once again, apologies for the delay but I wanted to check with our tech team to be sure that the delay was not on our end."

We look forward to your comments. 

Userlevel 2

Dear Philippe, thanks you for your message. As explained this matter takes time to investigate with our expert. The team and our leadership is committed to find the root cause of the issue. We will share the outcome with you once it is made available. This is the highest priority for our teams internally. Thank you for your understanding. 

Dear Cedric ! 

can you share with the community since when we opened the ticket and since when we play to the ping pong 🏓 !? 


Userlevel 2

Dear Philippe,

As it involves coordination with multiple partners, the investigation process is more complex and time-consuming. Our team is diligently working to address the issue and ensure a thorough investigation to understand the root cause.

We understand the importance of this matter and the frustration it creates for you and your team. Rest assured, resolving this issue is our top priority, and support will keep you informed of any significant developments via email.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
