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Good afternoon,

Is anyone else experiencing issues with the Online Check-in process displaying the upgraded room category instead of the originally booked category (named in MEWS: Requested category) ?

This can create confusion for guests who may assume the upgraded room comes with an additional charge. They will not realize that it’s a complimentary upgrade offered to them.

If anyone has suggestions or insights on how to address this, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Hi ​@Amsterdam, thank you for your question and please excuse the delayed response.

Mews offers the option to upgrade to higher-priced spaces during online check-in. When a guest upgrades their space, Mews updates their bill to include the new price, and the original price is no longer visible on the guest’s bill. This might lead guests to believe that the upgrade is not complimentary.
To manage this, you can configure space categories for upgrades in Mews Operations and exclude certain categories from being offered as upgrades. This way, you can control which spaces are available for upgrades and avoid any misunderstandings.

For more detailed steps on how to manage space upgrades and exclude categories, you can refer to the following articles:
How to Offer Space Upgrades to Guests During Online Check-In
How to Exclude Space Categories from Space Upgrades Offer During Online Check-In

Please let me know if this helped or whether you need further assistance. Thanks!

Hi Jessica,

I think this is referring to free upgrades made via the timeline, you still have the requested category against the reservation but they are assigned to another category. 

The guest facing documents/portal should still display the requested category as the guest has not been informed yet of the upgrade. As the original post mentioned it will be confusing for guests but also there is a possibilty you could still move them back to the original category and this will cause even more confusion/complaints. 

Dear Sam,


Thank you for understanding our issue.

Jessica thank you for your response.

We finally received a correct response from Mews that they found that there is a Bug in their system that shows the ‘free’ upgraded room to the guest instead of the original booked room.


We are now waiting for this bug to be fixed.


