
Offering 1 night free for every 6 nights booked

  • 16 March 2023
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 1



We are offering a deal for a limited time, the deal is each person that books 6 nights get 1 night free. I am trying to figure out how to make this possible in MEWS. 

Someone books 6 nights and then they receive a voucher for 1 night free. Otherwise you’re going to get people that book 3 nights that can also get 1 night free. 

Can someone help me with this? 


I am stuck...


Best answer by wendy.batkova 21 March 2023, 14:32

View original

9 replies

Userlevel 5


This is a good question.  I tried to do it and also failed.


My thought process was .. 

  1. Create the Packag
  2. Create the Voucher
  3. Assign the Voucher to all Booking Engines you want to offer the package on.

However I then could not figure out how to create the package!


I’ll be watching this!

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @Blue Bay Curaçao ,


For this would have to create a new rate which is depended of the rate were you want to apply the discount. For this new rate you have to set the Relative adjustment to the discount that you want to give. (Mews manages 4=3 offers as a discount). So for your 6=5 offer, the discount would be 16,66% .


Secondly you have to set a stay restriction for this new rate.

Very important is that you set both the minimum and maximum to 6 nights, so only guests staying 6 nights will be able to book this rate.


As for the voucher that @Ethros is mentioning. This would only be applicable if you want only certain guests to book this new rate. If you want to offer this to all guests who are looking to stay 6 nights, you can just set the rate to public and all guests booking via the Mews BE will see this rate when they book 6 nights.


I hope this helps you.

If any further questions, please feel free to send me a private message.

Userlevel 1

Hi @MatthiasH 


Thanks for your answer! 

I do however want to restrict this to only guests coming from the US. We are pushing for more US guests and this offer is only valid for them. 


And for ALL guests, all bookings coming in April get 1 night free when they book 4 nights. Min - Max. 


So then I can apply your solution above to the 2nd special we are running but not for the US only special right?

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @MatthiasH 


Thanks for your answer! 

I do however want to restrict this to only guests coming from the US. We are pushing for more US guests and this offer is only valid for them. 


And for ALL guests, all bookings coming in April get 1 night free when they book 4 nights. Min - Max. 


So then I can apply your solution above to the 2nd special we are running but not for the US only special right?


If you want the 6=5 offer to only be available for US guests you can set the rate to “Private” and create a voucher for them. This voucher you can then send to them via targeted marketing. Guests or staff will only be able to book the rate if they enter / apply the voucher.


As for the 4=3 offer, you can indeed follow my solution with a relative adjustment of 25%.

Userlevel 1

@MatthiasH  Thank you! However, I tried making the rate and I don’t see the option of: Absolute Adjustment and Relative Adjustment……. so now im stuck….


See screenshot below: 



Userlevel 1

Hi @MatthiasH I still havent found a solution for this… 


I am not seeing an option to adjust the rate.. So the absolute or fixed adjustment… I don’t see that as an option at all. 


Can you help me again?

Userlevel 1

Hi @MatthiasH I still havent found a solution for this… 


I am not seeing an option to adjust the rate.. So the absolute or fixed adjustment… I don’t see that as an option at all. 


Can you help me again?

Hi there 👋🏻, 

This is Wendy from Mews Support Team!
Attached here you can find a step-by-step guide on how to locate & modify your dependent rate adjustment in the system. 

You can also see more about this topic in our help center article here

Hope that helps! If there’s anything else we can help with, feel free to contact us.

Have yourself a lovely day!


Userlevel 6
Badge +6

HI @Blue Bay Curaçao

The relative adjustment with a specific rate plan and restrictions is one way to do it. 

Another way is possible if you have static rates. 

  1. Create a new rate plan & set to private
  2. Create a voucher that will allow the rate to be booked
  3. Set a restriction for the period of availability
  4. Set a restriction with min / max set to 7
  5. Create a product for each space type you want to offer the 7th night free and set the price as a negative
  6. Create a product rule for each room type if rate equals the rate & space category equals the space category then add the product
  7. Assign the voucher to the booking engine, embed in deeplink or promote the promo code

I have set it up in a demo system, you can try it here, just search for 7 days with voucher ‘USAPay6Stay’ & only look at the Queen Room


Userlevel 4
Badge +3


There is a feature request for this waiting to be upvoted:

Head over there and vote for it :-)


