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Kiosk upsell

  • 23 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello mews community, 

I'm here to listen how other hoteleriers handle the following:

  • Current scenario: We have several breakfast products (normal price and discounted version for corporate and groups). Each of this make a specific product, with a specific ID. Only the normal breakfast product is marked, and needs to be marked, for upsell on the kiosks checkin.
  • Problem: The kiosk does not recognize products that come with rates, therefore, it will try to upsell the product to guest who already have a breakfast added. This causes issues when guest do not remember having it, they proceed to add and pay, and then we are facing extra work having to check and refund. 

Example: Lets say that our corporate rate “Bed and Breakfast Corporate” has a product rule with: add “discounted corporate breakfast” (for value of 10), but only the product names “Full breakfast price” (for price 12)  is the one offered for upsell. The guest arrives with a bb added, but Full breakfast is offered becuase the kiosk does not recognize that the rate already has a rule adding a breakfast. 

Does anyone in the community face this issue? how are you handling it?

I've thought (but still need to test and check impact with other stakeholders) of perhaps creating a product with negative value, that will apply a “discount”, and always "mapping” this corporate product rules with the breakfast product that has the upsell activated for the kiosk + the product that applies the discount. Not sure if this would solve the issue, but...perhaps good to give it a test. 


Any suggestions? Would love to hear if anyone is facing same issues. 





4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi Fabiana! We're facing the same issue, also for dinner etc. Not sure if your solution would work, but I love the way you're thinking! 💡Love to hear your experiences after testing.

At the moment, we only offer products through Kiosk that can always be sold to any guest. So our possibilities are very limited. It would be great if the kiosk ‘recognizes’ when products are already added (by upsell from a previous moment or when added on top of the rate for a packaged rate through a product rule). Sorry I don't have a solution, but maybe together we can think of something…. 

Happy weekend! Sanne 😀

Hi Fabiana! We're facing the same issue, also for dinner etc. Not sure if your solution would work, but I love the way you're thinking! 💡Love to hear your experiences after testing.

At the moment, we only offer products through Kiosk that can always be sold to any guest. So our possibilities are very limited. It would be great if the kiosk ‘recognizes’ when products are already added (by upsell from a previous moment or when added on top of the rate for a packaged rate through a product rule). Sorry I don't have a solution, but maybe together we can think of something…. 

Happy weekend! Sanne 😀

Hi @Sanne Thanks for the reply! 

I've indeed tested the possible solution on the kiosks, and it worked.

On Mews billing it looks pretty good and reacts as expected. Creating the product on negative value applies correctly a discount. 

As well, I added it to the product rule→  Adding product for full price (available on kioks upsell) + add product with the discount value. 

When reservations came with that rate + product rule the kiosk recognized the item and didn't upsell it. 

I'm currently on the process of investigating how this “discount product” may affect local P&L, and how it would look on channel manager product mapping, however, at least for now I'm able to see that it works on the kiosk. 

I've as well thought of adding this request for Upvote on mews feedback page. If you are encountering this issue as well, it would be great if we can team up for votes :) 




Userlevel 3

Hi Dear Sanne and Fabiana, 
Thank you for your input and suggestions! 

I would like to add a few things; 

  • Indeed, if you have different breakfast products and one of them is already booked, the Kiosk will still offer another breakfast product. Our product managers are aware that it would be much better if Kiosk did not offer any breakfast at all in such cases, and they are looking for possible solutions.
  • So far, when checking in, the guest should see an overview of the products booked, even if they are packaged with a rate. Guests should be able to see that they have already booked breakfast. I understand that this does not prevent all guests from booking it again, but I would just like to make sure that in your case it is displayed on a summary page properly; if it is not - please let me know and I will look into it.  

    Warm regards 🌸

Hi @elena.pudova 


Thanks for the reply. Glad to hear that product team is aware and looking into possible solutions. Looking forward to that :) 

In our case, the breakfast product is indeed shown on the summary of the booking. Unfortunately. if there's something that hospitality has taught me is that people do not read or pay as much as attention as we think. 

Either way, thanks for leaving a comment! 
