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How can i send the booking confirmation letter as a pdf?

  • 7 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,


How can I send the booking confirmation letter as a PDF to a guest? Because when I send it via Mews, the guest receives an e-mail saying ‘The link has expired, please contact the property”.


thank you for the help.


2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi Manny, 

Thank you for your message. As I understand, you are experiencing issues with the way confirmations are sent to your property guests.

Usually, if the property hasn’t got this option disabled, confirmation emails are sent automatically and - unless you have made a customization on the template - they include a thank you note, an invitation to access the Mews guest portal and the details of the reservation.

You can check these emails being sent in the Mail queue (Main menu > Queues > Mail).

The invitation to access guest portal has a link that expires after a certain period if the customer hasn’t accessed it. I’m wondering whether that’s what you have been reported. However, the rest of the email message remains the same I described above.

Other emails that serve a similar purpose are: Before start and Before start reminder, but yet again, those include a text like I explained for the confirmation email.

Make sure to check the emails sent via the Mail queue and if you still have further questions, don’t hesitate to open a ticket with our Support team.



Userlevel 1

Hi Ivan,


Thank you for your prompt reply. The issue was with the confirmation email sent through Mews. Guests were receiving the email with the confirmation, but it also contained the message "Link is expired, please contact the property.   

I have done some test reservations and it seems confirmation e-mail they receive it correctly. 

Best Regards,

