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Dear community,

Our accounting department often experiences problems to match proforma numbers.
When we notice a bank transfer coming in to our bank account mentioning a pro forma number a huge amount of time is spend in order to find to which reservation or event it is related to.
As from the best of my knowledge it is not possible to look up pro forma bills in Mews we have to start an internal investigation of who sent the proforma and then match is with the correct bill.

I’d love to know if someone has a best practice to share.

Hello @DamienJanssens,


thank you for you question! 

This is not possible at the moment, but please have a look at this feature request and vote for it (along with your colleagues)! 

You could issue an invoice with receivable tracking, but this can be against your way of working - here is an article about it. 

Have a great day! 😎


This is also an issue for us, our current ‘workaround’ is to send the proforma but give instructions to the company on what to write on the bank transfer and not quote the proforma number - not a perfect solution unfortunately as not everyone follows this. 


This is also an issue for us, our current ‘workaround’ is to send the proforma but give instructions to the company on what to write on the bank transfer and not quote the proforma number - not a perfect solution unfortunately as not everyone follows this. 

Hi Sam. Thanks for your input on how you also manage this challenge. Don’t forget to vote on the feature request if you haven’t already. 
