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Family room inventory

Hi There,

Is there any way I can remove my family rooms from the inventory count? 

It now counts more rooms then I acctually have. So I can have 17 rooms available even if I only have 14 fysical rooms in the hotel but 3 are also bookable as a family room (so a combination of 3 rooms)


Especially with my reporting, I cannot see what my actual occupancy was because Mews counts all my family rooms as additional rooms in the reporting. So I do all the counting manually now which takes a lot of time. 

Is there anyone with the same problem? and how to fix it?


Warm regards,


Hi @sijtske Venema,


this is Stepan from Mews. I hope you are doing well. 🙂 The easiest way for reporting to differentiate between your “parent spaces” and “child spaces” is to change the space type of the parent space to be different from the child space. This way it is possible to filter by space type in most of the reports and once you filter out the parent spaces you should get the numbers of the physical spaces only. 

For the Manager report I would recommend checking the following article the part “The Directly occupied element” where it is explained on how to read the exported report correctly when using parent and child spaces.


I hope that this will help you 😊


Kind regards, Stepan

Hi Stephan,


Thank you for your reply.


I kwow this is an option but then Mews will not count the parent room twice when it is booked.

So in the ideal system it will just count two occupied rooms from the “Normal” inventory instead of count 1 parent room.

So if a parent room is booked now Mews counts this as 1 room sold instead of the two rooms it actual is.

I just handcounted all the rooms that are booked in October for my property which is 84 and 6 of them are parent rooms so in total my property sold 90 room nights. But there is nowhere in the manager repost that I can find this amount so I am very confused now.


I really hope you can help me because I do not see any sollution anymore. 

Warm regards,





Hi @sijtske Venema ,


thank you for your reply. 🙂 In this case the Occupied row in the Manager report should show you what you are looking for in terms of occupied spaces. The crucial step is to have different space types for parent and child spaces. I would like to use an example from my demo:

I am using dorms and beds (dorms as parent space). 

In the example below the total of occupied bed spaces for the period 21.7. - 25.7. should be 10 because 4 beds are occupied indirectly by the booked dorm for two nights and the bed is occupied directly for two nights.


Which can be seen in the manager report as well:


I hope that this will help you. :) 

PS: If you would be comparing the reports I can recommend checking the following articles:

Warm regards, Stepan
