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Deposit report future bookings

How can I download the deposit report for future reservations?

I would like to check all the bank transfers I have entered in each booking of July and August 2024

9 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hello @Cyprien 


Just go on the payment report an filter for External payement like this :

Hope it helps





Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Wow no, my mistake I misunderstoofd the question. You need to see for which reservation in July an August you already received bank transfers right ? 

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hello again @Cyprien 


I’ve found some articles that might help but I think it is not possible to pinpoint a specific period of the year even if you issue a réservation report and load the balance for each reservation… Indeed the payment method is not mentionned...


Here are the URL:



Maybe you could post a request on the product idea forum to the attention of the devs if it does not already exist


Sorry I couldn’t be of a big help here





Userlevel 2


We have already received transfers and they are entered on Mews Booking as an external transfer on each reservation.

I would therefore like to produce a report to list transfer received in July and August 2024.

This will allow me to control each transfer received instead of going to each reservation file

Do you know how to produce this report?

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hello @Cyprien 


Well apparently it is not possible yet but the “feature” on the development roadmap for 2024 if I read well the answer to the already existing request on the Feedback forum


If it does not correcpond to your needs you can add another request on the forum or complet an existing one 😉





Userlevel 2
How is it possible that it doesn't exist yet…

It is a basic function of a PMS

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello @Cyprien and @smehia!

I am checking this internally, I will let you know soon what I find out! 💡

Userlevel 2

Thank you

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello all, 

so I talked to our product team and indeed we hear you regarding the need for deposit ledger reporting!
To address this, we're introducing a new feature that links payments to reservations, improving the accounting report's clarity. You can try it out in Beta starting this week. 👈

Additionally, we're developing a dedicated Deposit ledger report, with initial testing planned for the US & Canada before a broader rollout (I am not aware of the rollout date at this point).

Stay tuned for further updates!
