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Closing windows?

  • 27 June 2024
  • 8 replies

Hi All, 

Just want to check somehting: 
Last few days MEWS is closing my windows  automaticly when i click a tekstfield to for exeampla change the emailadres or phonenumber. Got it on multipule devices. 

My first thougt was i needed a new mouse and keybord, but even on my laptop it does this. 

Anyonbe more experice this problem? 

8 replies


Hi Erik,


This is Sanneke from Mews Support, nice to e-meet you :) 

Would it be possible for you to create ticket with support (How to use the Mews Digital Assistant in Mews Operations) and if possible share some additional information, like:

  • Where does this happen exactly (guest profile, new reservation screen, etc)
  • Does it happen for all users and on different browsers?
  • Could you please try clearing cache&cookies, and does it still happen after?

Additionally, it would be very helpful if you could also share a screen recording with us that clearly shows what happens when you try to add or change an email address or phone number. 

With this information me, or one of my colleagues, can further investigate what is happening.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions!


Yeah. Currently working on my laptop. 

When im in the Time line view, and want to manage a reservation: And for example want to change the phonenumer and select the phonenumer, it closed the guestprofile window and goes back to the time line view


Userlevel 2

Hi Eric

This is absolutely the same we have here. 

Since your feedback has marked as “solved” and there is no comment, how to fix it, was it helpful with the ticket to the support?

Thanks in advance for letting me know



Userlevel 1

We are having the same issue


Stadium Hotel


Hi everyone,

Could you please try highlighting the text from left to right, making sure to keep the cursor within the page that contains the data you want to highlight.

When you release the mouse click above a page behind the highlighted text in Mews, the screen closes.

Please let me know if this helps!



Userlevel 2

Hi lukedate

It helps, but the question is, why has this been changed?

Sorry, but this change is so ridiculous and in my opinion there should be more important issues to be fixed than this. And in addition, many employees now waste unnecessary time clarifying why this is suddenly the case.


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello everyone, 


thank you for keeping an eye on this, I am currently checking this with our engineering team, I will update you once I know more!  💡

Hi everyone, 

This has been resolved in a recent system improvement where new pages now open individually in Mews, without overlapping. More information on the improvement can be found here - 🔁 Now enjoy a faster and simpler navigation experience in Mews Operations. - Mews

