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Solved blocking emails - Before start Online check-in

Is anyone else facing problems with sending before start/before start reminders to guest?

We are pushing very hard to get our guest so check-in online, however I see that is not accually forwarding these emails to the guest. In MEWS it shows as sendt. 


I have tried to make a booking myself at and it is not working. 

I tried to remove the Sigin box, in the email templets, with just a link however it is still not working. Funny thing is that when I send the bill it has acually worked. 


Does anyone know how to fix this?

31 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3


Update: I have seen that some pre-stay mails TODAY have been delivered - at least they show up in the messaging history of the reservations in the extranet.
Clearly, something has changed since yesterday … has there been any feedback from booking?

Hope it stays that way, and hope that the mails are actually delivered with the links working to the guests real email inbox (haven’t verified that yet).



Userlevel 4
Badge +3


Our pre-stay mails are going through consistently now - hope you are seeing the same.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

@Mews Community Team  Thank you for your effort! Did you reach a conclusion with booking what happened ?



Hi @j.spiess Jean-Philip, 

Nothing changed for us, still no pre-stay mails that are going through. Did you take any steps or was it resolved automaticly for you? 
Is it working for everybody else? 
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Bell Hotel

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi @j.spiess Jean-Philip, 

Nothing changed for us, still no pre-stay mails that are going through. Did you take any steps or was it resolved automaticly for you? 
Is it working for everybody else? 
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Bell Hotel

I did not take any steps, besides contacting my account manager, who didn’t know anything and could not promise anything, and did not follow up on this issue with me… I just discovered yesterday that they show up again in the messaging history…

Strange …


Userlevel 3

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your patience. Our contact at is currently out of the office, and without her, getting help is significantly more challenging. Please know that we are still working on it and urging to find a solution for this situation.

However, their official response states that any property experiencing difficulties, after having the domains and links whitelisted in the extranet, should reach out to their regional support.

I am sure you have already done this, but in case someone has not, please go ahead and contact support and raise the ticket. It will be also help us push for faster solution. Our contact should be back next week, and we will follow up on this to find a solution.

Once we have it, we will get back to you and communicate it widely.

Thank you for your understanding,


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Is anyone else using a a guest messaging system other than Mews SMS?

We have started with HiJiffy which is pre-arrival messaging mostly with whatsapp (SMS and then email as the backups), which is delivering the magic link for pre checkin however, no matter what, any OTA booking will not be able to get the link due to the fact that the guest has a email address and is unable to get the magic link via messaging. We have tried to whitelist, which still doesn’t work (even though Oaky links do). 

@Mews Community Team Have asked for this many times, but shouldn’t the magic link also allow guests to check in with their confirmation code and last name rather than just email? Wouldn’t this help out everyone? Wouldn’t a login page similar to airline check-in sites make more sense (Last name + date of arrival)?


Sorry if off topic but somewhat relevant topic. Would love to hear what everyone has to say about this.
