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Availability Block - Adding a Rooming list

We are soon upon our winter ski season when rooming list are very popular. Is there a way to add a rooming list into the availability block?


Hi @Miseen84,


The only way to process the rooming list is to first confirm the rooms manually in the availability block and then add the rooming list to the confirmed group reservation.

I came upon this feuature request, so I would recommend to upvote it and hope it will be considered soon..

Morning @Miseen84.

@MatthiasH is absolutely correct here. A confirmed availability block is not the same as a confirmed reservation, it is only a confirmed block of spaces, normally put in place after a contract is signed but before you know exactly how many people/spaces will be used. 


Presumably if you have a rooming list already, you know exactly what spaces are needed, so you can go ahead and pick-up/create the reservations in the availability block and then use the rooming list feature from the reservation group tab. Until those reservations are picked up (created) there is nothing to attach a rooming list to, so it is not possible to introduce a rooming list before that stage.

If you want to use the rooming list feature but the group has not yet confirmed how many of the spaces they will pick-up, you can always create reservations from the availability block as optional, to avoid having to manually cancel any not picked-up spaces.

Hope this helps!

