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All contact information is replaced with stars.. What happened?

  • 7 August 2024
  • 3 replies

All our most important contact information is now hidden for all our users.. Does anyone have a clue what could have happened? Or at least how to fix it?

We cant actually run our operation without being able to contact customers so a pretty big deal :(




Hi @Jens Hjelte,

I am sorry to read about your problems. 

We have implemented new security measures to protect your customer information such as email addresses and phone numbers from being misused in wake of recent elevated levels of phishing attacks. 

Currently, user accounts without 2FA enabled will not be able to view customer emails and phone numbers in full everywhere in Mews Operations, including exported reports. This is because they are masked to protect them, making you unable to view these details. 

To restore visibility to the hidden data, you need to enable 2FA on all your Mews accounts. This adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. You can find detailed instructions on how to enable 2FA here. Once you enable 2FA, you can immediately regain visibility to full guest details. 

For users who have already enabled 2FA, access to the guest details remains uninterrupted.  

Enabling 2FA significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access and helps protect sensitive information. This change enhances the security of your system and safeguards your guests' data. 

Thank you for your cooperation in implementing these important security measures. 


We do not want to use authentication apps with staff.

2FA via email is very slow. Implementing the email 2FA with email code and password gives the same error repeatedly.

After failure you accidentally see that the 2FA has been implemented. Terrible implementation of 2FA!

Why not offer 2FA via SMS?

Hi Marion,

We will investigate the problem you’ve highlighted regarding getting a code via email and hope to have a fix soon!
