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Hi. I wonder why the action log does not offer any “undo” buttons? As an admin I am also only a human being and I do make mistakes when it comes to setting rates, adjusting rates, changing reservations ao. Pluss the lovely hotel guests make changes, want different rooms ao.

Should be a no brainer to put up an “undo” feature? As this one will get logged too…

Or am I blind for the actual possibility already being there?

Best regards,

Karola, Hindsæter, Norway

@Karo Hi Karola,

 I understand how an "undo" feature could be incredibly useful for managing various tasks like setting rates and adjusting reservations. However, it's important to note that in Belgium, our action logs are not just for internal use but are also reviewed by tax authorities, specifically the FOD Financiën, to ensure compliance and prevent any unauthorized or "off-the-books" activities. This means that our logs must remain unalterable, and we are required to provide a reason for every change made. I believe similar regulations might apply in Norway as well.

While an "undo" feature would be convenient, it could potentially compromise the integrity of these logs. I hope this provides some clarity on the matter.

Best regards,

Hotel St Pol

@barb00sa I assumed some explanation like this, but I still do not really follow the argumentation because the “undo” function would again get logged and as long as you provide a reason for every change made... I mean - the logs would be longer for sure, but I doubt that is a problem. But maybe it is a technical issue in “logging the logs” which is tricky, so then I get it.

@Karo  the issue lies precisely there. Log files are intended for auditing purposes, and according to Belgian law, audit files must not be altered. While a step prior to the creation of the log files can be modified, the actual log files must remain immutable to be considered legitimate for auditing by the FOD Financiën (Federal Public Service Finance). If this immutability is ensured, then the log files are valid for regulatory audits.

Gr Robin

Thank you for help here @barb00sa 💪🏽
This is exactly the case - audit logs are designed for transparency and accountability. An undo function would compromise the integrity of the reports. 

thx all for quick help and explanation!
