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Access to the default mail template translations?

  • 2 July 2024
  • 2 replies

When customizing the templates - I do only see the default template in my own language - I can not choose the default translations of the same template - that would make it much easier to customize the other languages too. My workaround is in the moment to filter the already sent mails to my guests and I get the defaults from the other languages from there - but find it strange that it is not possible to access these translations from the customizing menu.

Best regards,


2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hey @Karo i had to read that twice to understand the problem 😅. I’ve tested that and you’re totally right the default texts doesn’t show up when switching language … pretty creative solution for checking the sent mails in that language to get those texts 👍.

Posting this topic here is a good start to get some improvements cause mews can only adjust problems they’re aware of. I would recommend to create an idea on the mews feedback platform too:

Usually i create an post on the feedback portal first and then i create a topic here and link that feedback-post. So you have maximum visibility for your issue 😉.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hello both!

some good news from our product team, they are working on multiple templates 😎

I do not have a specific date, but it is work in progress! 
