Bonjour, suite à une erreur je me retrouve avec une balance des tiers en négatif mais également avec un produit clôturé d’avance positif du même montant... et il m’est impossible d’avoir la facture qui correspond afin de faire une régularisation…
Quelqu’un aurait une solution ou rencontré un cas similaire ?
D’avance Merci !
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Hi @domi This isn’t expected behaviour so please raise a ticket with support. Many thanks
Hi @Sarah.Masterton-Brown
I am seeing many of those cases with our customers:
In my case, this is mostly the case when
Payment for the invoice was done in the past
Bill was closed after payment, even that consumption date of services is in the future
Certain services were consumed in the past
Certain services still to be consumed in the future (while being on a closed folio)
In my experience, those entries will disappear when the stay is completed.
Do you advise to report them all to support ? It seems indeed a bit weird to see a balance on those accounts, as everything was paid.
Thx, Marc
Hi @domi,
thanks for the question. The negative balance is coming from closed future revenue column. That means, you are most likely closing your bills prematurely (future revenue is already closed on a bill, while it only should be closed upon check out).
When a prepayment is received, there are two ways how to handle it, based on the legal environment you are in: 1. it should be either handled with a deposit - that is in case you are obligated to report the VAT at the time of payment. That means, a bill with payment needs to be closed at the time you collect a payment, and in such case, a positive deposit should be closed with the payment to avoid prematurely closing the accommodation. The negative deposit then balances the accommodation and this bill should be closed upon the guest’s departure 2. in case you are not obligated to report VAT at the time of payment (I believe this is the case of French LE), you shall leave the payment open an an open bill against the accommodation and close the bill upon departure
In your case, you are following the second option, except you are closing the bills before the guest’s departure. That causes the future revenue to be closed. That can cause multiple issues, such as restricted flexibility when updating reservations, but it also creates “debt” in the ledger. Technically speaking, you close revenue that is paid and not consumed yet, and therefore you “owe” the service to the customer. That is why your balance ends up being negative.
You can also check more details about deposits here, or understand more about the Accounting ledger here Hope it helps!
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