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It is my pleasure to bring you our newest AI 🤖 improvement, as we bring natural language to the main search bar

The search will understand a series of commands. For example:

  • Show me in-house guests
  • Show list of dirty rooms
  • Show guests leaving today
  • Show guests arriving tomorrow

This means it understands relative time ⏳ terms (today, yesterday, tomorrow…) as well as the main Mews entities’ statuses, making it possible to search that guest who just checked in earlier but you cannot remember the name, or quickly see which rooms you can use for an inspection visit.


How does it work?

The same search bar as you are using today will be able to understand some natural language requests, such as “show me my guests arriving today” and, one of the most requested features in Mews History: future reservations with no rooms (a.k.a. how to find the reservation that is causing a red line on your timeline!) 🏆


What it does not do?

It does not change files. It’s still a search, so our AI will not make any changes on your behalf. Don’t worry 😉

The vocabulary may be a bit limited still. So please don’t forget to share your feedback with me as you go so I can register it for improvement and fine-tuning.


How can I get started?

The Smart Search is already live for all demo properties, so feel free to test it out on your demo anytime!

To experience it in production (which is really where the magic happens, cause… data):

  1. Reply to this thread with the property you’d like added to this beta, in production
  2. I’ll enable the Smart Search within my next working day (I promise I will be quick 🏃🏻)
    1. Depending on how many volunteers we got, we may limit the beta during the first few days while we monitor performance and feedback


Please ask any questions or share any feedback you have below. 📝

Hi @Frank ! Welcome to the beta, your properties were added!

@Sanne this is super useful, thank you! I am making notes of these for now but I'll also shoot you a message privately - would love to pick your brain a bit more!


@Sami Citystay thanks also for the use case! Why do you use the reminder instead of, for example, After Start? I ask because the reminder is not sent to guests that already checked in online 🤔

Hi @ettore.zotarelli Thanks a lot!

Will the search bar for companies finally be developed further? We have a big problem with the fact that a company, e.g. Siemens, with the identical name, e.g. Siemens AG, is based at many different locations and has different departments at one and the same location, which must be shown on the invoices. It is currently not possible to search for ‘Siemens Berlin’, for example. This means that companies that are constantly present in daily business have to be created twice and then the parent company has to be added again. This is a very big and important issue for all hotels that work with companies!

Hi Frank! We are constantly looking for these improvements. Is this the idea you are talking about? If so, it's on our radar. Thanks!

Hi @ettore.zotarelli Yes, exactly!

Could you please enable it for Landhotel 3Kronen too? Still waiting. :)


@mauritsbots - took you a couple of hours! I was starting to get worried about where you were! 😋 you're in! 

@ettore.zotarelli its still not functional? 

Strange; which property's that? I'll have a look. Thanks!


thats WestCord Strandhotel Seeduyn but WestCord Art Hotel Amsterdam and WestCord Fashion Hotel Amsterdam are giving the same result.


Hi Ettore

Another couple of suggestions. We use the before start reminder email to send guests a door code to access the building if they are arriving late, however sometimes the guest’s email is not listed and so the scheduled emails like the before start reminder can’t be sent to them. It would be useful if we could ask “Show me today’s arrivals that have not been sent the before start reminder email” (or other emails).

Similarly, it would be great if we could ask “Show me today’s arrivals that have an outstanding balance” so we can quickly identify check-ins that we will need to charge on arrival.

Many thanks



Hi Sami,

How could you include the door code automatically to the before start reminder? Which Key System do you use?



Hi Frank

We don’t have a way of automatically adding the door code to the before start reminder; we just include it as part of the text. We use the Salto lock system.

Kind regards



Hi @Sami Citystay, Thanks for your reply. You are adding the code manually?

Hi Frank

Yes, in the email we have a piece of text explaining that if the guest arrives after a certain time, they will need a code to access the front door of the aparthotel and the code is XXXX.



Hi Ettore

Another couple of suggestions. We use the before start reminder email to send guests a door code to access the building if they are arriving late, however sometimes the guest’s email is not listed and so the scheduled emails like the before start reminder can’t be sent to them. It would be useful if we could ask “Show me today’s arrivals that have not been sent the before start reminder email” (or other emails).

Similarly, it would be great if we could ask “Show me today’s arrivals that have an outstanding balance” so we can quickly identify check-ins that we will need to charge on arrival.

Many thanks



Hi Sami,

How could you include the door code automatically to the before start reminder? Which Key System do you use?



Hi Frank

We don’t have a way of automatically adding the door code to the before start reminder; we just include it as part of the text. We use the Salto lock system.

Kind regards



Hi @Sami Citystay, Thanks for your reply. You are adding the code manually?

Hi Frank

Yes, in the email we have a piece of text explaining that if the guest arrives after a certain time, they will need a code to access the front door of the aparthotel and the code is XXXX.



Hi Sami,

Ok, we do it the same way. Was hoping to read, that there is an interface opportunity. ;)
